PavlovVR on Pimax Vision 8kX

MMA weight classes and racing restrictions are in place to limit differences that can become extremely drastic or cumulative. Likewise, keyboard/mouse vs gamepad is an extremely drastic difference.

Choice of VR headset is not ‘apples against oranges’. A better argument could be made for Touch/Index controllers vs Vive wands, but I have become competent even with the latter.

My point is that simply having a wider FOV is not such a drastic difference, my opinion on that is reasonably well founded, and the negative effect of restricting players to the lowest-common-denominator is a profoundly more negative outcome.

It is a drastic difference same as watching a movie cropped for a 4:3 screen vs 16:9 or Cinema ratio.

Narrow FoV is having Blinders on vs Wider FoV which has less restrictions. 2 players at equal skill level in gen1 FoV and 1 player upgrades to Wide FoV. The upgraded player has an advantage over the other.

Now Beatsaber? Might be more enjoyable but the nature of the game no actual benefit.

VR users have control of what is panned to center screen. If they use a smaller FOV headset, they will be making the movie for that format, not cropping it.

Blinders just suck.

When you lower the FoV in a game it crops the view to match the FoV. Otherwise it would squish viewpoint.

Wider FoV = more your able to see.

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Guys, you remember why we used to increase FOV in flat FPS shooters? Thats right, to get an advantage.


Actually a good point. But on a flat screen, even with TrackIR, we cannot directly look at our opponents.

That said, a large fraction of skilled players in the Elite Dangerous community seem to believe a 2D monitor with flat radar, is superior to the temptation to ‘padlock’ in VR. So there is some controversy about whether even the ability to look around at all is a competitive advantage.

Well, sorry but there is one more, after running the Artisan on 120hz I can tell you that I prefer this way WAY much more than even 90 so about 75…can be ok for slow games (Pavlov can be considered as a slow game yes) but now way for fast one, racing games or what, speed sensation at 120hz is twice what it is on 80hz (from the og 8k for example).
Dont even think about playing some Expert song on beatsaber on 75hz either.
You cant say 60 % more refresh rate is the same, no way unless you have a brain that just dont work properly, not about sensivity but about awareness of your surrounding.
Its not about flickering, it is about things that move fast, when moving to fast for the refresh rate things are blurred/doubled, Vader immortal on 75hz is awful, saber is blurry. Cant play ping pong game on my 8k, the ball turn into 12 balls, the refresh rate cant handle this, much better at 120hz.
That is also why the Pimax Super will probably be a very good headset also, things will looks real into this, I was a clarity fan but for real sensations, the highter refresh rate is also most important, there is no just clarity that matter, both just do and in some game refresh rate only.



I did not suggest it is the same. There are definitely noticeable differences, and a higher refresh rate will be perceptibly smoother.

But the combination of refresh rate AND native resolution, at the same time, is far less of a necessity, than native resolution. It is a very good tradeoff to make.

For situations in which the important details do not move across the screens quickly, such as PavlovVR multiplayer, the refresh rate impact on win/loss ratios, between 75Hz and at least 120Hz will be slim to none.

Yes, agree.
It is not about all games, some will have no impact, some other much more.
Of course for a game like Pavlov it is probably enough and better to have clarity at 75 that not at 120hz since you need small details to be available for aiming.
No it is not about sensivity but about situations. :+1:

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For what situation are both high resolution and high refresh rate at the same time, a necessity, instead of a luxury?

If your task is identification of fast moving objects, high frame rate will reduce the need for compensation, which takes more practice. Beat Saber is the only kind of app I can think of that might actually demand higher refresh rates. AFAIK, that is not competitive multiplayer like PavlovVR, or even simulation, so terms like ‘victory’ and ‘necessity’ are less relevant to that use case IMO.

If you task is identification of fine details, it would be hard to see these anyway if the objects are moving quickly.

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Indeed as often in FPS games on flat screens can get away with lower frame rates. If mem serves a lot of them have been 30 to 60.

But @Ludiks is right for games like Beatsaber where higher frame/refresh rates are definitely an advantage and your Race sims as others have commented on the immersion increase due to speed feeling more real.


I have said since the early days of the kickstarter that higher res can balance out with less Refresh rate/frames. Especially in relation to vergence conflict.

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I understand that VRSS will be necessary for performance improvements through foveated rendering. How much would it affect performance improvement with the eye tracking module? I hope I didn’t buy it for nothing.

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Awesome feedback everyone, thank you!

Seems like the extra FOV isn’t a necessary or massive advantage, but one that will be noticeable in multiple ways (comfort, sensing movement at the periphery, etc). There’s been quite a few times where I start getting torso hits from the side and I’ve been able to land a headshot before getting finished off, so having just that much more time will help someone like me that doesn’t play competatively.

And since I do mostly flight and racing sims, I’m guessing that extra FOV and high resolution are going to be amaaaaazing:)


How did you get the pimax 8kx if they still aren’t delivering right now…? aren’t they gonna deliver in late march?

He is Mathew from CES. Due to his demonstrated work on optimizing visual settings & performance in a few titles. Pimax agreed to loan him one of the prototypes to continue his work on his spreadsheets. :pi_thumbsup:


ohh i see, thanks helio! also, it’s just “assumed” pimax will deliver these in late march correct? and another thing, if i add my backer number when ordering, will it give me a discount of some amount?


:pimax_logo_png: has recently forecasted a delay to April due to CoronaVirus. As for Backer discount? As far as I am aware the Backer plans are still available to use(Trade off program).

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Let’s not forget that the MAS is “…full ramp in end of April. Goal is very high volume production during the summer” - so even if some 8KXs are assembled in April, most of us will not see them because they will mostly not ship without MAS being ready.

Realistically it’s May / June at the earliest for most buyers. If it’s earlier then great, that will be a nice surprise but best to assume later than earlier.


This is my mindeset as well. Hoping for June or July, earlier is a bonus. I’d rather wait longer and get something I don’t have to RMA, than get it earlier and have that frustration + longer turn around times that end up pushing the actual date of a useable headset in my hands even further out.