Past contributions to vr today

  1. Power Glove

Nintendo has often challenged how we game even with its first gen 8 bit console. The Power Glove was a tracked wired controller.

  1. Virtual Boy

Nintendo braved trying to bring consumer VR. Unfortunately not well received due to many design flaws (especially thinking ppl should see red :confounded:

  1. Nintendo WII Mote & plus model

Nintendo dazzled the world by giving people a new fun way to play. Putting the pressure on Sony & Microsoft to develope tracked motion solutions themselves(Psmove & ms kinect)

  1. Playstation Move & Sixaxis controller

Sony to answer the Wii released the Psmove controller with a Wii like acessory. When VR came into play in the ps4 bringing new life. Though i must say holding a move controller; is it me? Or does it feel like karaoke time? :joy:

  1. MS Kinect

Microsoft needed to answer Nintendo wii coming up with this revolutionary peripheral that proved to have fantastic innovative uses beyond just a gaming peripheral.

Yes from here there was pc peripherals that copied things like the power glove & improve upon(came with one of the hitman titles). And lets not forget Razer Hydra whiched had a unique form of tracking.

So with the above list it makes you wonder why Steam & Rift spent so much money on their tracking solutions when the above mentioned already laid out some grunt work.

Looking at Antvr they adopted a psmove like design.

Anything i missed other than the old trusty viewmaster or stereographic sbs 3d?

I have a Microsoft Kinect V2 and it is quite an amazing piece of sensing hardware, but I wouldn’t have a clue on how to use it with Pimax.

There are tons of general guides.

Hack a day has i think some kinect projects