Parallel Projections Settings and Solutions Discussion

It’s so depressing that the most demanding and “bigger” games need to have parallel projections on, which KILLS performance. Titles like fallout 4, Hellblade, Project cars 2, elite, aerofly 2, serious sam games, the talos principle, Subnautica, Alien isolation, Robo Recall etc… ALL of these games (other than maybe serious sam) are already really performance heavy, and when you enable PP, it gets even worse…i got a 2080 ti and 8700k cpu so don’t blame my specs please. Even with small FOV, 72 hz, motion smoothing, and FFR on, still i get lots of reprojection. It’s such a shame because of this and it’s tempting me to get the HP reverb when it comes out next month. Only thing that’s not fully convinced me to get the Reverb is the FOV, which is amazing on the Pimax. Hate this dilemma man…

Anyone else in my situation? And are there ANY plans of maybe eliminating the need for Parallel projections or is that simply not possible…? @PimaxUSA


Yes it’s frustrating to waste the performance. By the way Serious Sam requires PP on too.


Won’t be able to get rid of it. But un future newer games or old ones will be coded to not need it. It’s there for compatability. We will see something like it for Oculus when there half dome is released. One of the Devs talked about it will require special rendering as well.

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That falls on the shoulders of the developers of the titles in question. PP is a compatibility mode for older games/engine builds, which makes an assumption that is rendered false by things like HMDs with canted displays coming around.

EDIT: Maybe a third party could produce a patch or injector, to modify how the game sets up its cameras, but…


If the game/prog dev is willing they need to add support for rendering cantered displays.

Hmh, lets keep on messaging the devs.

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I think that it is the games which are using an old version of Unreal 4, the new Unreal games don’t need it.


most of the games i mentioned don’t even use unreal…and they are big companies who won’t fix their games for a few pimax headset owners.

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It does cut your fps almost in half unfortunately. I just wish someone with creation kit modding chops would modify a few shaders to not look weird in non parallel projections fo4vr and we’d be good.


The only plan to eliminate the PP is to fix the game and it can be only done by the developers themselves. Maybe Pimax could optimize a bit the PP algorithm so they do not need so big overhead (currently it seems PP on requires 1,5 more pixels than PP off), but in the end, on the HMD side, they can do only as much.

I believe that in some games this would be really an easy fix, but there might be some, which, for whatever reason, use some “optimized” gfx effects, which would not easily transfer into the correct 3D stereo view handling and those simply may ignore it.

I know that for example in Beat Saber, basically everything what uses Unity works fine, but one custom shader (for the the “tube bloom”) which was probably added by the devs, does not work correctly with the 3D stereo views, produces incorrect stereo effects, and needs to be replaced / rewritten. I also believe that for example ED has much more of such “quirks”.

On the other hand, the correct 3D stereo view processing (i.e. rendering) is the right way to go, so the game devs will have to eventually adapt and adopt it. For the current games however, I guess we can only hope.


We are working with a number of companies on your list. Our schedule at GDC was full with meetings on optimizations and more. Nearly 2 dozen meetings btw with top vr developers at GDC and GTC , most of them committed to pimax oriented updates. Our focus is on the most popular games first.


Please lobby X-Plane/Laminar Research as well. It seems they too are in no hurry to accomodate “just a few Pimax owners”.


Skyrim not only has this issue at the loading screens, but the grass/landscape is all goofy looking from a distance.It’s dizzying.

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Yes and with the Skyrim the outer edge popping is annoying. Hidden area mask disabling/enabling doesn’t help, only PP fixes it.
@PimaxUSA was the Croteam there?


Are you still working with the guys who made the upscaler for the 8k and can we expect any improvement?

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The key is to give the developers a PImax headset, they will want this nice FOV for themselves!


So that’s why FS2 looks absolutely shi@ then. Makes sense now, although this is a relatively new game compared to DCS which (thank fuc@) does not require PP

whattt thought DCS required PP, how’s performance on that game?

A damn site better than AFS2. No PP for DCS.

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PP for DCS only is you plan on using Vr zoom function.
But DCS still need core optimisation, thing that AFS2 does not need.
So at the end of the day for me performances are far from acceptable and enjoyable…
I really don’t see Devs adding support for PP or at least in very near future, Pimax and Vr in general is not yet big enough for them to consider rewriting codes.
With all the issues i had with my unit and poor PP support i am seriously thinking in selling everything including motion rig and wait few more years.