Parallel Projection Runs at Low Resolution

I haven’t seen anyone mention this, is it normal for parallel projections to drastically reduce the resolution of the headset? Whenever I enable parallel projection, everything looks like it’s running at OG vive resolution, to get a comparable result without PP, I have to turn steamVR SS to around 0.2. It also seems as though neither pimax SS nor steamvr SS have any effect while PP is on. I normally have manual override on steamvr SS set to 100% so it shouldn’t be automatically reducing resolution due to performance.


It seems that the render target resolution OpenVR advertises to the application is capped at 4096 pixels horizontal, regardless what SteamVR shows in the UI. I did some tests in ED (with parallel projection ON) here

So maybe you just observe this effect - anything above 4096 does not make a difference. On the other hand, I can confirm that below 4096, the settings in SteamVR and PiTool make difference even with PP on.

The image quality degradation you observe with PP on is most likely related to the additional image transformation, which must be applied to the rendered images (to transform them from coplanar projection planes to the tilted ones - which correspond to Pimax optics).


Which headset did you receive? Backer or pre order?

5k+ backer headset. I’m using PiTool 0.95


@anon74848233 please add to earlybackers

I’m not sure if this is related your problem, but it might help, assuming you have an nVidia card. There seems to be an issue with the nVidia driver and VR headsets (or at least the Pimax). In the nVidia control panel, go to the “Adjust Desktop Size and Position” page, select “No scaling”, and click Apply. You might need to restart PiTools and/or SteamVR or reboot your PC for it to take effect.

Several forum members have said that this greatly improved their image quality in VR.

I don’t have my 8K yet, so I can’t confirm this, but it’s worth a try, imo.


what this with add to earlybackers thingy all the time ?


Pimax setup a group called Earlybackers. It gives access to a sub topic in 8k for Kickstarter backers seperate from regular users.


I wasn’t aware of this, I figured it was just a flair/badge. I am KS backer 4670.

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@anon74848233 please add to earlybackers :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Could it help with my broken Display and my supon? Is this the extra area where i sent my question about my error?

Unfortunately I’d have to say no.


Okay thanks for your fast reply



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