Ok so I played outer wilds in VR with the mod and all I can say is WOW!
I don’t even understand if this can be called a Mod! Having never played it in Pancake I can say the VR mod is so good it doesnt even feel like a mod.
There are VR things done in this mod that crazy.
Like having to reach out and contextually turn items on and off like machinery or the landing camera under your ship.
Or the feet on the floor to tell you wear to stand and what direction you are facing.
The radar gun is fully accurate and aiming the zoom scope is perfect.
your gun and tools are attached to your bidy and can be grabbed from there and put back.
in a way the cockpit in this gane is more interactive than No Mans Sky.
It so cool, the best way I can describe this game is ,
Its like No Man’s Sky meets Super Mario Galaxy.
They do something really cool with the planet orbits . You know how in that movie " The time machine" where the moon’s orbit is super close to the earth in the future so its gigantic in the sky like a giant rock hovering above you? Looking up at a Marvel like that from a planet you are on is a common sight.
Time is super sped up for the Orbits so you can see the planets and moons whip by super fast, it takes like maybe 10 minutes for a full day night cycle so its like watching the moon go up and down animated. * Hard to explain)
Im super happy with this purchase what a surprise.
Its not perfect. When you suit up and leave your lander for zero g planet walking each planet has different gravity, the controls are similar to hiw youbwould imagine “The Rocketeer” woukd be full 6dof similar to the ship. except For some reason if you turn around in real life the charactet is still facing forward so your controls wont be aligned * so forward is backward)
Its actually realiatic if youbthink about it , in space you couldnt just turn without using the stick, nothing to kick off off to rotate. so I just have to remembet to stay pointing forward when in space and use the stick to rotate. Its weird though because on planet you can turn in real life and the feet follow your direction.