Orlando Pimax Roadshow Impressions (8k X, 8k+, 5k Super)

Should we make a dedicated thread for the MAS speculation? I see the same issue is now spreading on over various other threads.

@MReis @Heliosurge @DrWilken

Edit. Actually there is one already.



thanks for the impressions. The 8kx definitely sounds like a real winner


I was at the Orlando event as well and tried out the 8KX. I tried Beat Saber, the Lab, a flight simulator, and Skyrim. My overall impression was that the 8KX is awesome. Honestly, going from a 5K+ the experience isn’t exactly mind blowing, as the FOV is one of the most impressive things about a Pimax. Now, that’s not to say it wasn’t impressive. The sharpness is fantastic, and it’s honestly what we all want from these headsets. A smooth, clear, and precise image. I could see details in the games that I certainly couldn’t see on the 5K+. It really felt more like a phone screen, and really made everything have more of a visual pop. Colors were rich, and vibrant. Menus for games looked incredibly sharp. Beat Saber looked stunning, and extremely vivid. Skyrim looked incredible (although the trees at a distance still shimmered, but I think that’s the old engine/LOD settings). The Lab although extremely dated still looked great. Standing on the mountain in the lab looked absolutely fantastic, and almost felt real. The comfort is just like everyone has said, it’s great. It finally felt like the headset is part of your head, and not something just hanging on it. Playing games with motion will be much better with the MAS and comfort kit to comfortably hold the headset in place. Performance honestly surprised me, as I never noticed a difference of the lower hz compared to my 5K+. As far as audio, it’s true the MAS audio is lacking. I was in a quiet environment and could hear the quality of the audio. The audio is quite “tinny”, and lacks good depth or bass. It would work well in a party environment with friends, but no so much in a private session where you want full immersion. That’s not to say it won’t be improved, it is after all still being worked on I believe so perhaps it’ll get better. I currently would recommend the deluxe audio option however. The MAS strap itself seemed pretty good, and it has adjustments on the back pad to tilt based on different head shapes and placement. Overall, I was quite impressed. The 8KX is a solid improvement over the 5K+, and if someone is trying it out or upgrading from a Rift or Vive, they will be absolutely mind blown. To me, it felt like the headset we all wanted from the get go. I kept thinking about all the VR games I have installed at home, and how freaking awesome they are going to be once my 8KX arrives. (Let alone how amazing Half Life Alyx is going to look!! :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:) Thank you @SweViver and @PimaxUSA for showcasing the products here in Florida. I’m glad I got to meet you and experience the 8KX, although now it’s going to make my wait even tougher! :joy::weary:


Pasting in here just in case anyone misses them:

First guy really likes it. Second guy is really hyped.

Third guy in second video has 5K+ and 8K, really interesting comments from him. Says distortion is really gone and really likes the comfort kit.

Crazy thing is multiple people say that the resolution is so good it feels like looking at a computer monitor.


Looking at Orlando video i have seen that Pimax 8K + has beautifull led green stripe
instead the Pimax 8K X new metal finish the camera did not show almost any colour
from distance or the green light is … very faint when pimax 8k x is on

Watch video 2 of @sweviver to see the difference between pimax 8k plus and X

Is this an issue or something they need to improve or a missed adjustment ?

Some pictures I took at the event.


The 8KX has the metallic silver chevron, but when you go into PiTool you can change the color. It’s not a bright light like the other headsets, but it’s actually pretty cool looking and you can still tell it’s green/blue etc. Honestly I wasn’t crazy when I heard the new headsets were going to be blue a couple months ago, but once I saw them in person they look quite good. I especially like the silver chevon. While it’s not the bright Tron appearance, it looks classier or more sophisticated I‘d say. The new headsets also feel amazing :smile: The exterior coating makes them feel like a premium product for sure.


Did somebody try pavlov on the pimax 8kx with a nice custom map and fast movement?


When I arrived a guy was playing a military shooter (It was definitely one of the main VR tactical military games) I’m not sure if it was Pavlov, but it looked great and was running well.


Posted copy in Spotlight Reviews.

Awesome impressions and pics! Thanks added to spotlight.


Did anybody ask about backporting of the new distortion compensation to the older models?

( I heard the “we had to redo from scratch because of smaller display panels” -line repeated, but that does not really wash – going to need a more specific technical description. )

Apparently the poor Artisan on hand lay forlorn on its side table, but did anybody give it enough attention to get an impression of how it deals with IPD? -Are the 9:8 screens wide enough to accommodate shifting the image for IPD, whilst retaining full vertical resolution? …or does the FOV you get hinge on your IPD? …or do we have such a major change, that the screens now move with the lenses, with this model?

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As you rightly pointed out distortion profiles appear to be custom made for the panel size. It’s a bit like asking if you could backport my eye glasses to you?

Maybe they could redo from scratch the older model distortion profiles using the knowledge they have learned from the Vision series? Whether they would want to do that for older models is a different question :blush:


Did you tried 8K+ …are there difference between them in game not SIM?

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This I think could be confusing statement. So will give my take on it.

Distortion profile itself may still be at the core the same.

Now if we take a look at say the 5k+ vs the unseen 5k. The 5k presumably originally had the same physical size Panel as the 8k. If mem serves from fellow whom changed 1 of his og 8k 4k panels after breaking one dropping the headset? It was a 5.5" panel? Where as the 5k+ if mem serves was a 5" panel from Sf’s teardown.

So now 5" panel has greater ppi vs a 5.5" panel.

So for simplicity lets use:

Panel (A) has a ppi of 100 and Panel (B) has a ppi of 120 (Panel A & B have same resolution)

This changes non only X and Y coordinates of lense distortion but Panel (B) also has more pixels to refine the distortion.

So 8k+ & X being presumably smaller panels than the og 8k and better quality panel would need a reworking of the distortion algorithm. Plus the Vision 8ks having rgb on top of this.


I am not quite sure what you are saying here - I could read the above in a couple different, contradicting, ways.

The distortion nature of a profile has zero to do with the panel size, which plays in only as a matter of scale, and one that will already have had to be dealt with before, given the size difference between the 8k and 5k+. -Granted: It could have been implemented exceedingly badly, and hardcoded, but profile data we have previously seen inside earlier versions of piserver suggests sensible scalability.

All we have heard so far, suggests that the new devices have the exact same lenses, mounted the exact same way, as the 8k and 5k+, and that is the determining factor; The physical optical properties, that the software predistortion compensates for; I do not need different strength glasses to read a small book with 8pt print at armlength, to a large one with 8pt print at armlength.

Now: We could very well be dealing with an entirely new algorithm here, instead of “just” a nicer profile for the old one, but that still doesn’t change the optical hardware, which is, as far as we know, common between the old and the new devices.

Not really, unless the original algoritm was very, very badly designed and coded, and if that were the case, I wouldn’t rule out that if would have forced the game to render at a certain resolution, too, without allowing for supersampling.

The distortion would by any measure of reason be applied over a surface at a size and resolution that is given in the profile, and scaled appropriately, using floating point math, making it fit any bitmap -size, -resolution, and -coverage pattern.

Does the old algo, or any hypothetical new one, do subpixel-layout-aware rendering, for better spatial accuracy? I seriously doubt it - especially given we have the 8k scaler butting in and doing its thing, before imagery goes up on the screens. :7

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Sorry- was offline- sure might make sense to pull it together!

I actually didn’t even try the 8K+, I had preordered the 8KX and only focused on that.


That’s because it is. Angular resolution of the 8kX is theoretically 30 pixels/deg, theoretically about half that of 20/20 human vision, equal to that of 20/20 human vision with artifacts, and equal to that of typical desktop monitor setups.