OpenXR/OpenVR and VR Platforms

And it will need this. OpenXR is to make programming for VR agnostic for tracking systems.

This will avoid things like fragmented like xp in Killing Floor Excursion where players cannot cross play on Steam version against Oculus version.

Is there a technical reason that has to be the case? Or is it just market politics?

Discouraging the inevitably powerful forces encouraging early adopters to buy from a specific ‘marketplace’ cannot, and should not, be addressed by the limited capacity of the community for technology development.

OpenXR is a consortium of VR players working together to make it easier for DeVs to create VR experiences.

So yes a unified concept like OpenXR is needed vs fragmented ideas of everyone making it difficult with what we have now.

All the Big players are said to be a part and invested in the OpenXR standards to remove platform specific roadblocks.

Not unlike the original goals of Java.

The Above support = Adoption. Which is what is needed. And is what OSVR didn’t have.

Cross-Play is largely if not entirely a political issue.

Even if the big players Oculus and SteamVR really do care about OpenXR - and that is a big if considering Valve subjects OpenVR interoperability to blatant neglect - that won’t change their desire to foul up the other platform.

Java itself is a good example. Straight C/C++ has always been more efficient, and as a consequence, interoperability is ultimately getting done by outright supporting a fragmented combination of CUDA, OpenCL, multiplatform GUI libraries, and x64/ARM.

Good news OpenHmd is in support of OpenXR

There is an OpenXR runtime for it.

See Pic Valve is Part of the supporting companies of OpenXR and even has stated it will replace OpenVR.

Good news OpenHmd is in support of OpenXR

So, a headset manufacturer or VR app developer could support both.

If they support OpenHmd they are by that connected to OpenXR as OpenXR had an OpenHmd runtime for linux.

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Just a side note. Pimax SDKs are not to run without SteamVR or Oculus. But just to utilize some of their headset specific optimizations for Rendering.

Pimax is not at present as far as I know revisting to create their own propietary platform as others have failed. And Pimax you would admit is having trouble staying on top of pitool releases. Their SDKs have been dead in the water and some links on that page go nowhere.

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A very likeable conclusion.

Their SDKs have been dead in the water and some links on that page go nowhere.

This indeed could be a problem. But when I develop my own VR apps, I will NOT rely on either SteamVR or Oculus. Right now, to connect my app to the Pimax headset, for me, probably means attempting to use their SDK.

Also, I feel you are missing one of the potential pitfalls of OpenXR. Complexity is an adversary of reliability. Even when open source.

Just look at horrific mess that is the transition from X11 (which admittedly is an abomination) to Wayland (which may cause enough pain to be an abomination itself).

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Oh, and let’s not forget SystemD replacing the already parallel and efficient init scripts. Which is now going to provide HomeD as well, which for every reason imaginable is a horrific affront to UNIX user management that provides functionally far more securely and appropriately provided by Virtualization.

Their justification? Connecting to an office projector by attaching a USB drive with your entire home folder and none of your running applications on it.

Framebuffers. Semi-Transparent Overlay Framebuffers. Coordinates. Controller names, buttons. axes. That will do it!

The problem here is Pimax has not created the SDK to eliminate either platform. These SDKs are not created with that idea. Like the Overlays, pimax hasn’t made an Overlay even back in the piplay days. Now back then it did have in part a sort of somewhat independence of sorts but still piggybacked off of Steam and Oculus except maybe with the Extended mode(Video Mode) after at that time they had dropped Oculus compatibility.

OpenXR has better potential support.

Vs the X11 hand over to Wayland. X11 is amazing how long it has been worked around. Has Ubuntu droppef Was it Miri?

X11 happened. A lot of effort is going into making it un-happen. Regardless of the merits of keeping X11 (which I am in favor of), OpenXR may represent exactly the same mistake.

I like the idea of Aps running in their own containers. I myself after a long run on Ubuntu flavors now use mainly Manjaro

Is a bit of a trick getting used to Paman vs Apt get

RE: HomeD. There are much more secure and effective ways to achieve that. Right now, I am working on my arduinoUbiquitous project which uses a plain highly portable shell script (Ubiquitous Bash) to run the Arduino IDE within a temporary fake home directory.

Consequently, I run Debian Stable.

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From what I read up x11 is there but not really used as it was. It has been more worked around making it kinda work.

I don’t know where you get that impression. X11 is the graphics middleware every Linux graphical application talks to.

Debian the Root of Ubuntu. One of the original Linux flavors.

From Linux publications that have talked about it. I think it was even explained in depth on Phoronix at one time.

Not quite so much. Ubuntu software versions tend to be much newer than Debian Stable. I only have to do a major update every three years, and it has been at least nine years since that even broke anything on the desktop. I have never had any problem with server software breaking because of an update, which is actually pretty incredible.

Compared with MSW, which might do a mandatory automatic update and break weekly.