OpenXR on Pimax Roadmap?

I was wondering, whether Pimax has any OpenXR ambitions currently?

Currently, we do have PiTool and the upcoming Pimax Experience thing, I was just wondering whether Pimax wants to remain its own thing or wants to go for full OpenXR compatibility over time?

That would be especially nice for features like the hand tracking (yes, I know, it is actually an 7Invensun 3rd party thing), since OpenXR enables hand tracking via its standardized API instead of requiring direct runtime support for each flavour of handtracker.


On Pimax Now Day Kevin (Pimax COO) confirmed that Pimax plans to support OpenXR but they don’t have a timeline for it yet. He did not answer my question if OpenXR support will include hand- and eye-tracking.


Thanks, that is good info. I think OpenXR support would be great to have on all sides. Games would only need to implement one API and work on all headsets and input devices instead of supporting Oculus SDK, OpenVR/SteamVR and all trackers separately.

At the same time, it would also help Pimax to tap into a lot of games they probably wouldn’t have the bargaining power to get optimization from a game developer directly since the install base of Pimax headsets of course isn’t as big as e.g. Oculus.


It would also mean that Pimax don’t need to hack into the Oculus runtime to enable Rift support and we can get rid of Revive for future apps.


Pretty much that. Revive would only be required for old titles that haven’t been ported over to OpenXR, which will probably lose relevance over time. I’d say OpenXR is the way to go.


It would be good indeed to not need the SteamVR or Oculus Overlays.

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OpenXR would also solve issues like PP. AFAIK Pimax were thinking of gathering an entirely new team to work on OpenXR. So, no timeline at all atm.

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Maybe @SweViver or @PimaxUSA can give us some clarity here?

I would ask @PimaxQuorra to look into this question.

Since North Star of LeapMotion went Open Source with Monado/OpenXR at Collabora they are looking into supporting the North Star. At least this should allow the hand tracking feat. be partly implemented in an engine already.

Be advised, hand tracking and eye tracking will be part of the OpenXR standard in form of vendor specific Extensions. These are API extensions that might make it into the generic main standard as soon as all the contributers think its appropriate. Usually after some generalization and feat. completion to match the industry trend.
ATM there is Ultraleap (aka vendor of Pimax motion sensor) providing an extension for motion sensors as well as Tobii (aka not the eye tracking vendor for Pimax but Microsoft hololens) providing an extension for eye tracking.



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