OpenVR Motion Compensation

Has anyone had success getting Open VR Motion Compensation working with the 8KX?

Worked fine on my Index, absolute disaster on my 8KX, pretty much chucking me outside the car on the first turn as if exaggerating rather than compensating any motion.

PiTool MC is of course not an option.


Sure your not playing Flatout Ultimate Carnage? :smirk::joy:

Just kidding.

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I can’t even pair the 8KX with OVRMC, do you use a tracker/controller with a dongle?
How did you do that?
When I go to settings it does not recognize the headset.
I can select the tracker but it doesn’t works at all.
Does it compensates the vibrations, or is it as bad as the Pitool MC?
With the Index it works perfectly fine.

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As I said, it doesn’t work.

It recognizes the tracker paired with a dongle but the compensation is severely faulty.

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It’s been confirmed that OVRMC doesn’t support Pimax HMDs due to the way PiTool handles translation.

Extremely gutting as PiTool MC isn’t usable due to its lack of compensation settings as well as the insane concept of fixed tracker/controller orientation.


I’ve got it working on my 8KX:

HMD is recognized & enables once I hit the checkmark box & hit apply. You do have to go into setting & do some testing with the different settings to get a sweetspot in which image isn’t moving around vs. vibrations from motion/haptic feedback.

I don’t use the Pitool Compensation at all. I use a Vive Tracker & two lighthouse 1.0’s in opposite quarters. With my settings I still get some small image movement but not enough for me to notice while racing. It corrects very quickly with the settings I use.


That‘s amazing!

What version of OVRMC and PiTool do you use?

Would you mind sharing your OVRMC settings?

Do you have the tracker paired via a USB dongle on your PC?

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Works fine for me with 8k+ and a vive tracker



What version of PiTool and what version of OVRMC are you running?

Is this with basestations 2.0 or 1.0?

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I’m using whatever PiTool came with .5 Pimax VR Experience. Sorry I dont know the specific version that one is. I"m using V 3.0 of the OVRMC. I have the tracker paired via a USB Dongle & it works perfectly fine. Make sure your tracker is dampened & on a very solid part of your Motion rig. I have mine directly attached a back part of the frame where I know not as many vibrations from the haptic feedback I have would affect it. Also here are my setting in OVRMC:



You can upgrade to 0.60 (it has a standalone installer):

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