One PC, two basestations, four/two controllers, two Pimax headsets, two players

Now that many will have two Pimax headsets with all these “upgrade and keep” plans this could be relevant for a number of people:
Has anybody tested whether it is technically possible to play with two Pimax headsets on one computer (e.g. with a 1080 TI)?
This obviously could only work with simple games and might need some reduced graphics settings. But e.g. a two player round of table tennis or holo ball could be quite cool!
E.g. for table tennis one controller per person would technically be enough, any chance to assign two controllers to two people?

Of course buying a second computer would be an option. Would be better from a framerate perspective - and certainly work. But for the few occations where I could use that… I don’t know.

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You need to setup a VM, I think.

BUT, how cool would it be if PiTool would be able to work this out. Yet I can’t believe it would be anywhere easy

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Maybe if you run each headset through a different VR runtime? I am not sure SteamVR can handle two headsets at the same time.


Have had success running steam vr and Oculus simultaneous with separate non pimax headsets on one system at the same time without VM.

The simple answer is not software supported and is hardware intensive.


That sounds promising! In case the software insists on running as a single instance something like isboxer might help ( This provides a sandbox for the game and allows to assign usb ports and gpu outputs to game instances (initially made for multiboxing on a single PC).
Think the Pimax driver and SteamVR would still have to play along…


Easiest to just have two systems.


Or one headset… :stuck_out_tongue:


The only application I can see it working is if you guys are watching a movie together in Bigscreen VR.

Anything else is either too resource intensive or requires too much input.


Would be nice to have pimax/PiTool support it on an experimental level. They are putting two headsets in our hands.


Even if with two graphics cards.

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I have two oculus accounts, two steam steam accounts on two systems and sometimes run 4 headsets at the same time.

Most successful game at one time on 4 headsets is recroom. Thats why I built it.


The biggest obstacle I see on 1 pc is Pitool supporting running 2 headsets. With a VM you might be able to do it.