One-eyed person / Binocular Overlap / Brainwrap

Hello !

I have 2 questions about one-eyed people with PImax

  • I was wondering about binocular overlap, is it a problem for someone with only one eye?
  • As for the brainwrap, I guess it could be a problem when we only have one eye? Or is it an advantage? If this is a problem, can we disable it?

Note that on the HTC Vive and PSVR I own, having only one eye has never bothered me in VR.

Thank you in advance.


PS : sorry for my bad english, I’m french

I’m sorry for you if you have only one eye. You just want to watch to a big screen?
If so, it seems to me that this would no problem. But would it not better for you if you buy a descent mobile phone with very high resolution? It could more expensive, but it has more possibilities.
The Pimax 8K has upscaled resolution, but basic the same resolution as the newest highend smartphone. (Please tell me if i’m wrong.)

brainwarp wouldn’t really work for you, in the sense that if you ran at 90 hz, you wouldn’t perceive it as 180.
However , if you tried to use brainwarp at 75 or 60 hz instead of seeing a perceived 150 or 120 hz you would be seeing 75, and 60 hz , the latter especially being noticeable in motion.

From previous posts it would seem you can choose to run with or without brainwarp, but for you the best solution would be highest hz you can get without brainwarp


Thank you for your answer.
No it’s not to have a big screen, but have a better VR experience with bigger FOV, less SDE, etc …
I’m a big fan of VR, I bought HTC Vive and PSVR at the release date.
With one eye we can feel immersion and presence in VR, the 3D view is not just the result of binocular eyesight. The brain as a lot of adaptative tricks to obtain 3D with just one eye.
And a smartphone is an experience very far from VR with high-end HMD (Vive, Rift, Pimax, WMR … ), no 6DOF, no roomscale, no good controller.

Thank you, It’s a good news if it’s sure we can disable brainwrap

yh don’t buy mobile vr lol. I’m sure this will be the headset to buy in terms of immersion (wide FOV)

Essentially if you have vive & psvr it should be same. But of course as mentioned you would want to run without brainwarp.