Off topic topic to side track

This is just a thread to vigorously steer off topic at any chance. Speak your mind, side track anything.

We’re all just waiting here


I ordered a Quest 2 yesterday. Because I just want a happy feeling of knowing something nice will arrive soon


You want all companys to know what your doing :slight_smile:

Time is flying and not at the same time, when I look at my old comments and when I ordered its allready been like 2-3 months, damn 2021 in only like 3 months away!

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You mean the facebook tracking?

My take is I will get this Quest because it’s a very good device. Facebook will try to get to know a lot about me but this data won’t be super interesting until VR is much more mainstream and much more data points are gathered. I don’t plan on staying in the facebook bubble in the future. But other companies need to come out with stand alone headsets too

If they have face cam with dont think they have they can also use that and ofc see what your camaeras se in your room and so on.

Yup. The older you get the more time seems to fly by. When I was like 8, school days felt like eons. I’m 21 now not much of an old man haha, not that much older than 8 to be honest, but my sense of time is WAY different than it was when I was a little kid.

Tbh going from ages 18 to 21 felt like a only year to me. Days blur into weeks and weeks blur into months in what feels like an increasingly shorter and shorter amount of time. 3 weeks fly by in around the amount of time I remember 1 week feeling like as a kid.


I got a Quest two weeks ago and I can still return it, but I have decided to keep it. I don’t see anything in the Quest 2 that would compensate for the LCD.


Resolution uptick is nice though

Just got in a set of Alesis Nitro Mesh drums. Been playing more vintage rock than VR lately.
How’s that for “off topic”? :grinning:


Depends on what you’re doing with your Quest 1. I thought I’d be getting a smooth 72FPS with Quest 1. That is not the case. Just tried it again today. Rec Room Paintball has constant reprojection. I felt sick after one round. Even games like Beat Saber lag…so Quest 2 will be worth it for me as long as that’s fixed. Even after using my 8KX…the lower graphics and FOV would work fine as long as it’s smooth since I can just put it on and go with no cable or setup. If it’s still not fixed, I guess I’ll be selling it.

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Believe me, it will only get faster too…I’m 51 now and still can’t believe how fast time went after I graduated high school…there is a definite difference in how fast it feels as you get older


Got a Roland TD30 I decked it out with LEDs. Truly a one of a kind but VR pulled my attention away from them!


Hang on kid if you think its fast now!


@VR247 @acegamer Oh yeah I believe it haha

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So let’s strap on a VR headset and pass some more time faster!


This may be the only thread that stays on topic. LOL


me too. Man Tyriel nailed it when he mentioned that you could use the Bioniks for the quest2 it looks so sexy.

Kind of makes me want a white Pimax now. And no not the rubber case

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Off topic, what do you think a Pimax Standalone would look like?

Probably like a Pimax without the cable.:face_with_hand_over_mouth::wink::crazy_face: