Oculus apps not starting

This happens so far only on oculus apps but when in pitool I click start on a game and absolutely nothing happens, it doesn’t start then break just nothing at all. Does any one know how to fix this.

do you have oculus service installed and running?


yeah its installed and when i use my oculus everything works fine

Do the games start when you click on them in the oculus software?

no it says there is no harware connected if you mean actually clicking start on an app in the oculus app

I would try to reinstall everything. Beginning with the oculus software and finishing with the pimax software .

Did you ever get your oculus games to start? I am having the same issue - very frustrating.

nope still not working ive tried everything and nothing. ive sent an email to pimax asking for help but havnt heard anything yet

yep tried all that still nothong

Hi Addoli,

I got mine working. It turned out to be an anti-virus issue for me. Norton was blocking a potential threat upon installation of Pitools. If you have anti-virus software, try turning off upon install and then see if your Oculus games will start. Good luck!