nVidia Turing Architecture have enhancements for large FOV VR headsets

AI for More Realistic VR Environments

Deep learning, a method of GPU-accelerated AI, has the potential to address some of VR’s biggest visual and perceptual challenges. Graphics can be further enhanced, positional and eye tracking can be improved and character animations can be more true to life.

Advanced VR Rendering Technologies

Turing also boasts a range of new rendering techniques that increase performance and visual quality in VR.

Variable Rate Shading (VRS) optimizes rendering by applying more shading horsepower in detailed areas of the scene and throttling back in scenes with less perceptible detail. This can be used for foveated rendering by reducing the shading rate on the periphery of scenes, where users are less likely to focus, particularly when combined with the emergence of eye-tracking.

Multi-View Rendering enables next-gen headsets that offer ultra-wide fields of view and canted displays, so users see only the virtual world without a bezel. A next-generation version of Single Pass Stereo, Multi-View Rendering doubles to four the number of projection views for a single rendering pass. And all four are now position-independent and able to shift along any axis. By rendering four projection views, it can accelerate canted (non-coplanar) head-mounted displays with extremely wide fields of view.

Real-Time Ray Tracing

These optical calculations replicate the way light behaves to create stunningly realistic imagery, and allow VR developers to better simulate real-world environments.

Turing’s RT Cores can also simulate sound, using the NVIDIA VRWorks Audio SDK. Today’s VR experiences provide audio quality that’s accurate in terms of location. But they’re unable to meet the computational demands to adequately reflect an environment’s size, shape and material properties, especially dynamic ones.

VRWorks Audio is accelerated by 6x with our RTX platform compared with prior generations. Its ray-traced audio technology creates a physically realistic acoustic image of the virtual environment in real time.


That’s awesome & will pressure Amd to get their heads out the sand. :beers::smirk::+1::sparkles:


:frowning: very few game engines use vrworks :frowning:

Yea meanwhile it’ll take 5 years before a single game come out using those features lol.

They’re teasing you for your money for now.


We have some of the features even for years now but none of them are implemented yet in any single title so it is useless.

Looks like VRworks was more of a marketing stunt to grab consumers attention. On the developer side everyone goes or waits for OpenXR first i suppose.

No, there are already like 10+ AAA games coming soon, that make use of the new features on the RTX cards. For example Metro and BF V to just name two, they will use the new ray tracing at least.

Personally I think that not many people are talking about that new DLSS upscaling. I think that could very well be one of the most important things about the turing cards.

It is said that it can upscale an image, for example from 1440p to 4k without much performance hit… Guys do you see how huge this is?? That would mean you could run the PImax 8K-X without much more power than you’d run the 8K for example… if this is really true and not an overexageration then I’m so super excited about it :slight_smile:


i think it will drive a spike through their heads into the sand tbh.

i mentioned it in other thread, it would take the place of supersampling, which could mean a massive reduction in load on 8k if it was implemented on it.

NVidia always promises the world. Remember how vr sli was going to be a huge thing and today only about 5 games actually use it. If its a raw power gain its a win, like more cuda cores and higher clock speeds. That said these new cards aren’t miles ahead of the current 1080ti in that power. In games that don’t use the new features, which will be like 99% of vr games, we are probably only going to see a 10-15% increase in performance over current gen cards. Is that worth 1200 dollars, Probably not. Overall, a fairly disappointing reveal. We will see when the real reviews start coming out, but im not holding my breath.

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The thing about the conference is that a number of the comments the presenter made were not aimed at gamers they were aimed at developers. A big sell of what he was talking about had absolutely nothing to do with gamers.

’ it just works’

This has nothing to do with playing games.

And in one respect the point he makes is excellent. a lot of time is spent in lighting games correctly. trying to fake with different solutions what the 20 series does with raytracing by default. bounce light, reflections etc. One could save a lot of development time by lighting pretty much like you would light irl and having it just work. no faked ao. no faked reflections. no faked ambient and bounce light.

But the thing is that only saves me time if literally everyone owns a raytracing card. it saves me zero time , and i in fact may have to do the lighting set up for the game effectively twice. once for rtx users and once for everyone else. so i really really hope for their sake there is a very hassle free way of doing it.



That’s awesome funny. The 2080ti is $1800 in Australia.


Found any third party offerings in Aus yet?
I can only find founders edition on nvidia aus website. I can’t find any stores listing others. Meanwhile they’re in every online store overseas. It’s like we still wait for news to arrive by ship.

And people complaining that developers will need to write new and better games to make use of what the card can do as if it’s a bad thing?

Stick to more and more cores as the upgrade and forget developing other stuff…reminds me of a Top Gear episode where they demonstrate that $20k modern commuter cars kick the butt of $250k supercars from the 80s-90s on a race track. It’s not always about throwing more and more grunt at it, but in doing it altogether better. Having said that, more cores would’ve been nice.


New Architecture cam be good though oftem a bit slow to gain traction. Real question is how well does the new card perform on what’s out.

I often find it better to wait before buying day 1 releases to see how it fairs.

Nvidia awhile back had 1070 & 1080 cards not suited for VR.


There is some advetising on how the 2080 ti will perform up to 6x better than other cards ,with nothing to compair to so they coulb be refering to a 1050 as so far no solid statments

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6x better refers to Raytracing power not the graphics…smart marketing from Nvidia


We def need to see some bench marks


It seems that activating ray tracing greatly lowers the performance, the images are fine, but they do not reach 60fps at 1080p resolutions:
Between 33fps and 48fps in Shadow of the Tomb Raider (daylight) at 1080p.

Let’s hope all the other technologies work for the Pimax.

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The cooling fan has been improved by 6x