Nvidia new drivers!

Nvidia’s new ultra-low latency mode is the big new feature, and it’s designed for competitive gamers in mind. It’s a setting that can reduce latency by up to 33 percent, and uses a “just in time” technique that submits “frames to be rendered just before the GPU needs them.” Nvidia used to have a maximum pre-rendered frames option in its control panel, but Eurogamer explains that this new latency mode alters the pacing of frames so they’re generated just before they’re needed.

This new feature will be more noticeable on games that are GPU bound and running between 60fps and 100fps, according to Nvidia. The Ultra-low latency mode will work on DirectX 9 and DirectX 11 titles, but DirectX 12 and Vulkan games decide when to queue the frame.

Nvidia is also introducing a new Sharpen Freestyle filter, which seems to be a response to AMD’s Radeon Image Sharpening feature. Nvidia’s filter is designed to improve the image quality of the previous “detail” filter. “The performance impact is roughly half that of the prior filter,” claims Nvidia. You can customize the level of sharpness, and it supports more than 600 games that use DirectX 9, DirectX 11, DirectX 12, and Vulkan APIs.


Nice to see Nvidia starting to emulate and adopting what AMD does, and not just advertising fakeware marketing features :grin:

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This new driver have been pulled for now due to bug.

Found this:
"NVIDIA has found a bug in our recent 436.02 driver posting, causing it to install GeForce Experience even if the user selects not to install it.

We are pausing the driver download from the NVIDIA website while we fix the issue. Users attempting to download the driver from the NVIDIA website will receive a “404 – Not Found” message when attempting to download.

If you have installed the driver and wish to uninstall GeForce Experience, you can do so from the ‘Window System Settings: Add or Remove programs’.

We apologize for the error and hope to have the fixed driver re-posted soon."


I just installed the full version, used it to update the drivers, and then uninstalled GeForce Experience (which still leaves the new drivers in place).


And? Any improvement?

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No, I haven’t had a chance to test them. I telecommute full time, which is great, except that sometimes I don’t finish work until it’s done, even if it’s 2am (like tonight). No gaming for me. :sleeping:

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According to the Anandtech article (NVIDIA Releases GeForce 436.02 Driver: Integer Scaling Support for Turing, Freestyle Sharpening, & More) this “new feature” is just a rebranded old feature called originally the number of pre-rendered frames. In the new driver, instead of setting the number (0-3), you choose from “Ultra”, “On” and “Off”, which is far better (according to the marketing dept. of Nvidia) :slight_smile:.

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Not really. Ultra is just-in-time, which means it’s called. It’s different from 1 frame (0 did not exist, there was always 1 in the queue). If the article states that, it is wrong.

Whether it works for VR though is another question we yet need an answer to. The setting is seperate, and VR pre-rendered frames remains as an individual context menu. Thus, it remains interesting.

I’m also curious about the Sharpen Filter. Is that Post Processed?


Directly from the article:

Meanwhile, perhaps the oddest part of all of this isn’t the first time that NVIDIA has offered Ultra mode. Until earlier this decade, NVIDIA’s drivers also supported a queue size of 0, which is why I’m not sure this entirely counts as a new feature. However given the tricky nature of queuing and the evolution of OSes, it’s also entirely possible that NVIDIA has implemented a newer algorithm for pacing frame submission.

I was speaking in past tense - there was no queue size of 0. I was dabbling around with the Nvidia drivers / Inspector and other tools quite extensively. Now, it goes with a queue size of 0. Before this patch, it didn’t.

That’s what I have been saying. Precisely.:expressionless:

Driver was available from guru3d.com, I think it is the patched version.

Anyway in testing FFR in Aggressive mode seems to gain quite well with these drivers. From my testing in Il2, PiTool either 1.25 or 1.5 with Normal FOV and 100% SteamVR App/Video.

Still have stability issues with Il2 using FFR but it look s like the next update / release will include support for Canted VR devices which means no need for Parallel Projections :partying_face:

It should mean one can run in Large FOV at same PiTool settings with FFR and be more stable with better results.:+1:

@JoCool - refute me if I am wrong… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I am not arguing with you, because “earlier this decade” I have been using an AMD card. I just put the quote up, because it contradicts what you wrote.

Return what you used to have, but removed, and make a big deal out of. Checks out well enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

Amd 1 : Nvidia 0

What’s up next round??

Nothing noticeable in Elite D. I had no issues, but it didn’t seem to be any faster.

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Tried new driver with Dirt Rally 2 VR. Latecy features makes fps even worst. Need to check other games but I’m kind of addicted to rally last time :slight_smile:


Yeah I was wondering about that, I can imagine that lower latency as a goal can have negative effects on fps.

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