Nov 30 2021 Update Discussion

How weird is it that Arminlec totally vanished from the forums?

Even if he isn’t developing for Pimax anymore, he is still a Pimax user.

Unless sonething happened that is so bad it caused him to sell his headsets and quit Pimax as a customer as well.

Yes I find his complete departure unusual as we have had other ppl stick around for quite sometime after whom we would have thought after selling off due to hmd issues and treatment would have moved on sooner.

Armin was a great contributor here and his completely abrupt departure (last seen/logged on in May). Though I can understand he maybe just found it better to walk away after all he had added value to not getting the respect he was due. Had Pimax been smart they would have sought to hire him onto the team.

But this is similar to when a forum member had helped to connect pimax to a Programmer/Dev whom had deep knowledge in SteamVR hmd render. Unfortunately this fellow had been offering a fair bit of free info discussions. He was pumped with pimax maybe hiring him on to help solve some issues they were having in those early days. Instead they just participated in some free discussions incognito and never discussed hiring him.

In fairness it was dumb for the fellow to give so much free info to ensure if they wanted his help to hire/commission him to solve the issues they were having.

So maybe Armin shared too much.

I am concerned as it has led us to having pitool and firmware releases stalled. Along with the pimax controller development(not that they seem to be shipping all that well).

While they pull development to focus on the 12k project. We see other things set aside unfinished. After all the issues with pitool 273 and firmware you would expect pimax to have released a fixed new version by now.


Yeah , people (especially newcomers) are basically semi-bricking their headsets etc

should be a priority.

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THIS ))))))))))))))))

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Indeed since it is Factory bricking itself after installing what should be the latest Stable release. But pimax seems to be oblivious on fixing this out of Box experience.

Pimax should have pulled 273 and the unstable firmwares. And for pity sake stop releasing multiple firmwares that all have the same Base Version number.


And I know what you will hear when 12k will have problems that must be solved. Buy a new fancy 16k :slight_smile:

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