Noticed a problem on Elite dangerous with shadow blocking near plants?

Anyone else seen this… i was doing a beginners video of planetary scan missions and noticed that when approaching planet surfaces in Elite Dangerous the corners of the screens block out.

video is here: Elite Dangerous VR Planetary scan mission bug in Open Play using Pimax 4k - YouTube
you can see it happening from about 4:10 onwards

I have tried the graphics setting on MAX and on LOW to see if it makes a difference but it doesn’t.

Only seems to happen when i use 1.1.92 and not when i use 1.2.57 but the fps on the later driver is too laggy/ghosting even with my 1080 card so i have to use 1.1.92 for smoother graphics.

anyone else having this issue? or know of a fix as this is going to mess up my youtube videos!



this is not a pimax issue ?

is more like driver update.

yes i know its a driver issue., and is why i asked here if anyone else knows a way to fix it in ED. especially as i said that it does not happen in 1.2.x drivers.
But, most people are using the same drivers i am 1.1.92 in elite dangerous. I would be interest to know if others using that driver get the same shadow block on the side of their lenses when on planetary missions.