Nomination: the apps Pimax should enable direct support with 8K

Name your favorite apps here
e.g. VorpX

Built in?

  1. Bigscreen or Virtual desktop

  2. Revive

  3. VORPX


I think heā€™s talking about apps not games.

My Voteā€¦
Advanced Settings


Not sure but might be an idea to look at Bino3d vr source code. I beleive it has an opensource license.

Advance settings would be awesome to include video & device options.

When time allows a vr launcher ui with motion controllers & joystick support.

  1. VORPX
  2. Opentrack.
  3. Tridef 3D.
  4. Piplay Video Mode: Mouse emulation.
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Something really ambitious would be integrating hacks like Kinect motiin tracking and PSmove controllers into piplay advanced options in a streamlined way.

I wish there was a way to use Oculus constellation and move controllers.

Support for valve/vive tracker base (pi tracker :smirk:) with option to use with 4k/BE head pos tracking.

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I think you mean 1. Bigscreen AND Virtual desktop

2 Openvr native support
3. VorpX,
4. Flyinside
5. Advanced settings (not sure what this is but it sounds like something useful)
6. VLC
7. V Overlay

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My favorite would be:
Open-source Pimax drivers!

Look at ReVive to see what open-source can do. This will allow to support many new plaforms, maybe ā€œfreeā€ standalone headset, improved compatibility and performance :slight_smile:


Bigscreen, Virtual Desktop.

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This would be great! (open source)

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For me :

  • revive
  • a native desktop app ( like oculus will add)

And open source can be great.

support Source VR team and Half-Life 2 VR please!

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  • Vorpx
  • Tridef 3D/VR
  • Second Life/ Project Sansar(!)
  • Google Earth with streetview

VLC !!!

And native 3D Blu-ray player!


Dolphin Vr
Itā€™s the single coolest app Iā€™ve used in vr with games such as Zelda: Windwaker in Perfect vr and Zelda: majoras mask, Metroid prime etc.

A lot of Nintendo games just works in VR

Would be a dream come true to use this in Pimax 8kšŸ˜Š


Wouldnā€™t Big screen, Virtual Desktop and Google Earth work out of the box because of steam vr? I am under the impression that any steam vr game would work, being steam vr compatibleā€¦ Can someone please explain?

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Possibly not at full native resolution. (although Iā€™m guessing)

Virtual Desktop
Advanced Desktop

All the rest will be compatible with SteamVR


(Will edit later)