I was eagerly awaiting the next PiTool since black levels specifically for the XR should be selectable. The advertising seemed to indicate this at least. The new PiTool was released but there where no true blacks to be seen this time either. Having backed the 8K, and then afterwards bought the 5K XR to get the true blacks, I was disappointed. Is there anyone else who likes dark games (Elite Dangerous in my case) that don’t mind a little smear to have to deeper blacks. .111 was the last version that had true blacks for XR. Please fix this Pimax and I don’t mean the advertising…
At this timestamp in Swevivers 8K XR first look video, he comes to the same conclusion, that a switch between true blacks, and smear-free black for the XR would solve this and also that he forwarded this request to Pimax.
Turn the brightness down and possibly contract up. On the standard 5k this works a treat in ED. I’ve found in VR that you really don’t need the screen to be that bright as there are no other external lights.
There is also a graphical mod for ED that re-instates blacks, as the latest graphics don’t have black space at all and the stations all look like a giant space Hot Box with all that smoke.
I appreciate your reply but since this is about the XR model and OLED blacks. The solution your are suggesting using brightness and contrast to fix the perceived blackness, is exactly the workaround I wish to avoid, I am after the REAL blacks only achievable with a OLED panel and without software hindering me from seeing rgb 0,0,0 as perfectly unlit & completely turned off pixels.
That was just for Oculus Rift CV 1 though since the blacks that DK2 had was nowhere to be seen.
As you can see, my hunt for OLED blacks in OLED headsets have continued to this day. Will Pimax 5K XR with software that allows true blacks be my liberation? I am told Pimax software will include a true black option for the XR but we shall see.
I have not looked at any other headset lately but i would guess the SDE in the 5K XR is pretty much the same as the Oculus Rift CV1. It feels that way anyway. You could say by chosing the 5K XR you advance many things but you don’t advance SDE. Having grown up myself with CRT monitors I actually sometimes find 5K XR SDE gives a feeling pseudo-sharpness in that it’s “hides” the actual square blocky pixels.
Both headsets have Pentile matrix and you are basiclly said that Rifts 1080×1200 resolution per eye is equal to Pimax 2560*1440 per eye ?! Maybe you should set more SS and turn on “FFR conservative” or go down with gfx visuals in game.
The SDE on the 5K XR is on par with Odyssey which is far beyond Oculus CV1. Please try it before you state it mate I wouldnt compare CV1 to anything from the Pimax range nor the WMR range.
I will definitely check this out when I get home. I would be happy to stand corrected, but I am not talking entirely without thinking here. Note that I am talking screen door effect and nothing else.
Here is a quick panel size comparison I threw together (not taking utilisation into account).
PPD is influenced by lens magnification, panel usage, and FOV. The reason there doesnt seem to be much of a ppd bump is because its almost 2X FOV, and about 80% panel usage on 8K and 5K+
I have now tried with my Oculus CV1 at home and besides being very much like looking through small binoculars the pixels are actually no bigger in any way in the CV1 compared to 5K XR OLED IMHO. Since the vertical FOV is also smaller in CV1 (therefore more pixels in less degrees of view) I stand by my initial statement that SDE is pretty much the same. SDE is not improved over CV1 in 5K XR but everything else is. Actually to such a degree that you would be forgiven for thinking PPD is alot better too.
EDIT: I have confused SDE and PPD alot here. Pixel per degree is ofcourse different than SDE depending on panel type. @SweViver save me! I am not trained enough for explaining this.
I don’t know why I compared 5K XR SDE to CV1 since you were asking about the difference from 5K to 5K XR. I guess I just assumed you would have owned or tried one. Mondays… You should take a look at SweVivers excellent video about 5K XR first impressions.
I knew Ambient Occlusion stole alot of framerate. I haven’t tried the haze fix yet though. Thanks I will try that out. Generally I always supersample in game using at least 1.25 HMD quality (Pimax at 1.0, Steam at 100%).
Calculating PPD is not an easy task and definitely not something you can just “pull off” from the numbers as my post was trying to show. Because it is not as intuitive as many thinks, there is a lot of misunderstanding and misconception about this. For example the idea of simply dividing the panel dimensions by the respective FOVs.
The reddit post have also some other data wrong. For example I can confirm that the horizontal FOV of Pimax is 140° and 160° respectively.
Then there is another complication of the panel utilization (this affects mostly Pimax, which is designed to only use a part of the panel). So even if panel dimension slash FOV formula worked you would have to assume the dimension of the actual image on the panel and not the panel itself.
Anyway, what I am trying to say, do not read into those numbers too much.
I completely agree. I was just trying to quickly prove that CV1 PPD was in the same ballpark as 5K PPD. I have huge respect for going full-on scientific and technical, but I leave that to pros like yourself.
Here’s one to ponder. Rift achieves seemingly impossible clarity for such poor resolution. I tried the rift S the other day…to me, more clarity than hmds with more resolution…and I don’t understand.
I don’t want the rift s. Too many drawbacks. But I want oculus clarity.
The problem with this is that I, among many other, have never tried an Odyssey. So my only reference point in this picture is the 5k. Comparisons between Odyssey and something else are not helpful for most people. What I’m looking for is a picture/comparison between Vive (or CV1), Vive Pro (or 5k+) and 5kXR. I understand that in terms of SDE the XR will be somewhere in the middle between the OG Vive (Rift) and the Pro (5k+), but closer to which side?
Also in this picture the XR has very visible SDE on the black parts. Is this normal? What I liked about the Pro (and one of the reasons to think about the XR) is that in a dark dungeon or under a thick shadow there is practically no visible SDE.
For my personal user way of thinking and in order to not make it complicated for myself I consider the SDE of the CV1 and the OG Vive to be roughly the same (ballpark). The same with the Pro and the 5k+. There are probably differences, but for me as an end user they are as good as the same.
Just to raise the original point - Pimax please implement a setting for the XR to allow us to choose what level of black and smear is acceptable to us - I’d rather play darker with smear too - sort it out! @SweViver