Is this normal that the headphone dosnt work in direct mode??
There will be running the game after the sound . Headphone sound needs HDMI to work.
Check the selected default sound device, it needs to be the Pimax. The Pimax is just another sound device on your computer, and can be selected or not selected at any time. Press the Windows key and type Sound. Once you run the Sound app, you should see the choice of output devices. If you see the Pimax, then the driver is working. Check that you can play the test sounds. Now, in steam vr, you can choose the sound device used when steam vr is running and after it exists. Set these settings to match your system. Set it to use the Pimax while running and to use your PC sound system when not running. Typically this is the default.
I see the pimax in the sound selection in pimax and extend mode, but in direct mode is not there!!
Did you ever find a fix for this MoiiSe?
I have just encountered this issue myself. It happened relatively recently, but my issue is that the PiMax is no longer recognized as a sound device.
It might have been the Windows 10 Creators update, or an AMD drive update.
Has anyone else lost Audio completely on the PiMax?
(I am not indicating that this is a problem with the MHD, more a software issue. It worked fine before, so an update of something likely caused it)
My PiMax no longer shows up as an audio device.
The same thing just happened to me! it was also about two days ago. I also run windows 10
Usually when I login and launch Piplay the Pimax would become my default sound device. But for no discernible reason it just stopped working on the 15th of may. i have checked my graphics/sound drivers and they are all up to date and working well, this issue only effects the Pimax. the only time it shows in windows sound app is when Piplay is open and steam vr is launched through it. but even then it i cant get it to act as a sound device
The Pimax shows up in the windows sound app, and the test sound can be played through it, but when I try and set it as my default default device nothing happens. this also happens when i try and select it as an audio output.
I am at a loss, if anyone has any suggestions i would be much obliged!
I have not been able to resolve it for my rig yet, but I have not had much time to dig.
I am leaning towards the Windows 10 Creators update, but at this point I am not willing to roll it back just to test that theory.
If I look in device manager and show hidden devices, I can see that the “High Definition Audio” entry is there, but it claims it isn’t connected (when the pimax is connected and working less sound).
If I figure it out or nail down the cause, I’ll report back.
Right on!
I’m more or less convinced that it is windows 10. I have eliminated just about everything else it could be. if nothing else I try works i’m going to re-install windows and see if that does anything.
Good luck on your end.
I think you have three modes,is right? If right, you need install the latest piplay version. The pimax mode is also the direct mode in the latest version.
I fixed it! but at great length…
It was a windows update, I’m not sure exactly which one but it I bet it was the Creators update. I had tried everything to fix the sound issue, from drivers to Piplay to steam or any other thing I could think of that is associated with the Pimax and nothing worked. The issue persisted no matter what mode the Pimax was in i’m afraid Rain! even in the most up to date version of Piplay.
So I went for it and reinstalled windows from the ground up (I wasn’t able to roll back the update it kept bugging out) and now the Pimax can be set as the default audio device and works as a regular set of headphones. I don’t know how but it fixed it.
It is a long work around I know but it is the only thing I tried that had any effect. Rolling back the creator update may work but I wasn’t able to try that so i can’t say for sure. But after all my testing i’d say it was the Creators update. I hope that helps.
Let me know how you go!
Hi Guys,
I also noticed some strange behaviour following the last Windows 10 update.
I noticed that there were two Pimax audio interfaces listed in the Playback Device Properties??. And this was causing all sorts of issues with the audio playback for both PC and Pimax.
I didn’t really know what else to do and so I just restarted Windows and blow me down if it seemed to go back to normal???
My system has not yet updated to Windows 10 Creators and this gives me some concern given that things Pimax are somewhat less than stable right now.
My pimax is working ok right now (latest firmware and Piplay 1.2.57) and I don’t want anything to stuff it up.
Soooo, I looked how to stop auto Windows updates until I’m a bit more confident that Creators addition will work ok with world Pimax.
Now Windows 10 will not allow you to turn off auto updates, BUT you can set your internet connection status to Metered which causes Windows to ask for permission before downloading updates (or so I read) so this is what I did.
I guess we’ll see if this works when the next updates come along.
Anyone else tried this?