No Mans Sky, No more parallel projection mode!

I triedd your setting this today, it looks pretty good!!

In fact,we are trying to get in touch with their developer ,to solve PP problem,but they did’t reply for now


you are right~And we also contected with ED and failed


@hammerhead_gal have you tried contacting Fdev again about PP now that Odyssey is almost at release? The VR community on the forums is very vocal so this might be a good time to try again.


Oh Thanks for your reminding ~i‘ll email to them tody


There are so many of your customers playing Elite D, it would really be helpful if Frontier would support non-PP mode. You may need to send them a headset or 2, to convince them to make the required code changes.


So, about Elite…

In addition to correcting the cameras, there are a bunch of screen-space shaders which would need to be adjusted in a non-trivial way, such as the CRT raster line overlay on in-game holograms, whose pattern appears to be a simple “hard-placed” orthogonal “brush” within the bitmap buffer.

The effect consequently already follows your head when you look around, which can be kind of annyoying, but not overly so, and can be handwaved as consistent with one idea or other on how the in-lore projection of the hologram may be emitted; But with canted cameras, the effect will pick up the same canting the whole game has if one switch off PP today.

This particular effect one could simply disable, if one wanted to avoid having to rewrite the shader, and little would be lost.

The same may not go for the night vision effect, which is more than just eye candy, and would exhibit the same issue, for the same reason, and be much, much more visible - especially given it’s “sonar sweep” effect over ground.

I do not know how many other shaders there may be that may have similar issues (EDIT: Reflections might need stereo correction, for example)…

We already have ambient occlusion that renders differently in each eye on almost every headset, because the camera frustums are almost always asymmetric (I guess the shader makes some assumptions, and renders the effect “around” the middle of the (each) screen), and the tone mapping that similarly dims the left and right eye differently, because each eye texture is processed individually, and they may have different amounts of bright and dark pixels in them, depending on what is around you, and where you are looking.

Heck knows how much in any shader, or in the whole shadow map and envmap renderers, may be written in such a way that they depend in an “ingrained” manner on camera facing direction…

Here’s hoping though, in spite of FDev’s long history of reticence.

These are the people who are unwilling to sacrifice time on changing a few references and clearing a few flags, so that billboard sprites are not bound to the camera roll axis. :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of us have been expressing a willingess to pay a “VR tax”, if sheer self interest and forethought is not enough for FDev, in order to make up for the small size of the VR niche, but I can easily imagine reasons they’d be mistaken to pick up on that; Not least being the risk of setting a precedent that swamps them with other special interest groups demanding the same treatment… :stuck_out_tongue:


Help us Hammerhead_gal, you’re our only hope… :wink:


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