I had considered today, to choose an 8K basic package, but then it went very quickly.
No chance for new 8K Packages for the last 4 days?
The 5K is not very popular, even “early bird” 5K exists.
Other idea: For 5K, there is the option to get an OLED instead of LCD for $ 100 more. Why not a $ 100 option “5K-to-8K”? For people they come late or late decision or change of mind…
There are actually one thousend potential 8K unbacked in these 5x (“Boost your fun”) or 14x (“VR Party”) bundles for $3.799 or $10.000.
5x (300 5K or 8K) are absolutey unpopular, no backers. And 14x has only 10 backer. Perhaps VR caffees etc…
Or not ideal, but Pimax could offer this mentioned 5K-to-8K option for as many 5K backer, as unbacked HMDs from the big bundles exists. If the 8K are physical limited in the actual amount.
I do not need to receive the 8K immediately in January.
@Tobias_Claren Dear friend, you can tell me where is that information that says that for 100 dollars more you can choose in the model 5k put a screen oled instead of the clpl ???.
The reason they limited the 8K is due to limited quanities. It is possible with doing that they might have missed modifying tge VR Party Package to either reflect 8k not available or have units reserved for it. If the latter then perhaps might be released on final day.
Now there are again 8K from the split of the large bundles.
Has Pimax finished this HMD already in the offered quantity, that Pimax now looks so exactly on the number?
I think, this OLED screens could be the OLED screens from Note 4 etc., or?
2560x1440, that is the resolution of the Note 4, Note 5 , Note 6 and Note 7 with 5,7" (or 5,67").
The photos of the 5K / 8K show a HMD, which could take two ~ 5.7 ".
Will the software in display controllers be universal for both displays (LCD and OLED)?
Can someone theoretically exchange the displays? Just a general question, I’m not planning this.
You will all get a free eye-tracking module, Congrats!
For those who missed the 8K tiers -
We have placed two orders for display panels so far, 6,000 screens per order / 12,000 screens in total. We reserved 2,000 screens / 1,000 headsets for groups, 10,000 screens / 5,000 headsets for home users.
It is still possible for us to make more units available, but the shipping time will be around two months later than that of the current batch, as the lead time/supply delay of more screens will be around 10 - 12 weeks.
We have discussed with the project team today and decided to break some multi-unit packages for groups into a few more single units for home users, while ensure the production and delivery time.
8K backers –
You will be the first group of people experience 8K VR in the world!
The team will focus on finalizing the product, manufacturing, and delivering you the packages for the next few months.
Really looking forward to your experience with the brand new 8K headsets!
Yes, now “new” 8K (from the big bundles) are available.
I had pointed out to Pimax that the expensive packages ($ 3.799 and $ 10.00) are very unpopular, and they can take 8K of it.
Look at the numbers.
Previously there were 60 pieces “… Fun” and 60 pieces “… Party”.
Now it is less. Only 10 “…Fun” (8 available), and 15 “…Party” (4 available).