New VR video processor: Arm Mali-D71

I do not know where to go with this information. Maybe an adminstrator can correct my mistake by putting this info somewhere else, on the right topic. Thanks in advance

It seems ARM has made a very fast videoprocessor, up to 120 frames per second.
I think Pimax is working hard to satisfy us all. But would it not save money and save time to take a look at the Arm Mali-D71 ? It may solve a lot of your problems and if it makes the Pimax 8k more expensive, i’m willing to pay more for that too. And maybe everybody now wants a Pimax 8Kx instead of the “normal” 8K. I would.

(added a second link)

@deletedpimaxrep1 @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu @bacon

Good catch and worth looking into given the current issues Pimax is having with their HMD processor.

i dont know if pimax would be delighted to see this or horrified by it.

I really believe that Pimax is working very hard to solve the problems they encounter.
But if i have to choose between “faster and little more expensive” or “cheaper and time consuming”, i wilI look forward because i want to become a big player in the world of VR.
I would see new opportunities. But thats me.

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“2x pixel throughput; While operating in a new side-by-side mode, the Mali-D71 can achieve unprecedented 2x pixel throughput, delivering premium VR 4K120 performance, all within a very low power envelope.”

Hm, on first read this sounds as if 4k@120 Hz only works in side-by-side mode on one display? So with two displays connected the “1x pixel throughput” would be 4k@60 Hz?

You are right about that. But the Pimax 8Kx also gets 2 “processors” at 90Hz.
Please tell me if i’m wrong. Maybe Pimax is now thinking of a Pimax 8K double X. :wink:

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Sadly that it’s not a chip that Pimax could simply acquire and use. ARM licenses chip designs, but doesn’t manufacture them.

Sounds plausible, two of these Mali-thingies should do the trick and we could slaughter our GPUs with up to 2x4k@120 Hz :stuck_out_tongue:

That said I haven’t really understood yet where the problem with the 90 Hz actually lies (scaler chip? Then 8kX wouldn’t be affected anyways? panels? panel-controller? whatever?). Not even sure whether Pimax already knows themselves?

Me, very very bad. I did not know that. Damt, i’m getting old, why did i not know that?

@ Administrator, please delete this topic. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. :confused:

Any event added pokes to your post to the Team. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Indeed but who knows. If viable they likely know a chip maker or two. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles: