New Valve Index Nofio Wifi Adapter, could it work with Pimax?

Just saw this pop up, It uses DP 1.4 so it might be generic enough to work.



Rather curious about this purported lossless instant compression…

Even with as low as <5ms latency, I’d still like to see those 4 to 5 milliseconds added to the VR runtime’s motion prediction - both for the game’s rendering, and for the subsequent reprojection.


This has promise as the Oculus on Wifi6 is pretty darn good and 6E is supposedly even lower latency. But I wonder how soon they can bring this to market. There are already new patents from Valve themselves in the past 3months? that show their Wireless prototype headset.

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As we know pimax often for many has basic connection issues at times. So imagine this was in part why pimax cancelled the wireless module for current headsets. Remember when Kevin mentioned they might still release the wireless module it would requiring maybe paying for an exchsange to level up the headset hardware to be able to support wireless. Then they decided against it as it would be problematic. Which is maybe understandable. Though they should never have hyped the supposed past progress of the wireless module as we now know obviously it was not going as well as claimed.

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Indeed this makes me wonder what progress had been made at all and on what system. Because as shown by the VIVE pro 2 the Intel WiGIG module is very powerful even though long in the tooth at this point and the TPCast unit that they hyped a while back as supporting 4K+ resolutions is nowhere to be seen. So there seems to be no good standard for wireless VR as everyone is going their own way.

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Well pimax p3 reality units are at the base relying on Qualcomm XR2 for 6e and imagine the wigig might also leverage off in part on the XR2 in some form.

I’m sure it’s just wishful thinking on my part that it would work. Even if it did I wouldn’t pay $500 for it.

It is funny though, at the end of the day even Valve wasn’t serious about making the Index Wireless. The new Pimax reality headsets are the only headsets that offer a tiny good looking module.

(I have the Vive wireless adapter and its seriously lacking. Its so gigantic and requires a usb cable wired to a heavy battery pack. It can’t be understated what an accomplishment Pimax has made here.

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Well keep in mind it is not released or demo reviewed as of yet. So hard to say if the final will match form as shown. Until a worming model is finalized things are in flux.

You know what I agree that the battery pack was a bit of a drag esp since you still had a cable down your back at the end of the day. But I could use that battery bank to drive the headset for hours on end and with it being on my belt I never really felt the extra heft. plus the output quality for me anyhow barely felt any different, the colors were maybe a tad muted but once you spend that much time with it you really do not notice it anymore. However to your point I think something much sleeker if it could be made to work would be really nice. Lets see if Nofio comes out with their device before Pimax does.

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