New StarVR Compass update improves performance

Latest version 2.00.2012 has been released. The changelog says


StarVR Compass v.2.00.2012
- OpenVR Driver v2.0.2005
- StarVR Compass App v2.0.5

Change log

  1. Improve StarVR Compass compatibility with SteamVR
  2. Improve rendering performance
  3. Fix GPU detection and information in StarVR Compass

I’ve tried it out and I do notice an improvement in performance. Also the SteamVR home menu looks clearer than before. All text is completely readable without blurriness :slight_smile:

It’s late, so I’ll try out some more games with it tomorrow.

@VR-TECH @vrftw @crispybuttphd @mixedrealityTV @VoodooDE


Great let us know your findings…


I’ll try when I wake up. I doubt they fixed mura since they didn’t send me an update. :frowning:

Hmmm… I didnt get this update and the Compass App wont offer this one to me. :thinking:
I think you got a completly other HMD then me.

You can download it directly I think.

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Why must I do this? Is the update function in this app damaged?
I will have a look

This version isnt working for me. This one didnt regognize SteamVR and so I cant disable the proximity sensor… This would mean that I couldnt make a movie to the lens for you.

I just tried it by uninstalling the previous version and downloading it directly and it works.

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Yes, you need to download and install it manually. It doesn’t automatically update for some reason.

As for SteamVR detection, make sure there’s no blocked addons.

Is not working… I ask Angela from StarVR.

Sometimes SteamVR blocks the headset and 2 other items and you need to unblock them and restart SteamVR. Do you have the latest compass version installed? Also make sure your displayports are fully plugged in.

Try uninstalling StarVR Compass and Tobii Eye tracking and then re-install the latest version. Make sure SteamVR is closed during this process.

SteamVR show me that that the HMD ist online and I can start VR content.
And of course are my displayport fully plugged in… the former version of StarVR Compass works well.
All do twice time… deinstall… install… new SteamVR install… nothing works.
The HMD is working and I think I am waiting for Angelas answer.

What would be awesome is if someone could get them to included a parallel projection tweak like Pimax has, without it limiting FOV to 110. That would make it even more ‘compatible’ with steam vr content.

On that note, I wonder if it’s possible to get the open vr folks to implement something in their drivers that handles canted displays better, i.e. the open vr drivers would enable canted display support natively. Now THAT would be awesome, not only for Star VR one headsets but for all canted displays in the future. After all, that is the goal of open vr, to support all headsets.


I think OpenVR already handles it but devs have to integrate it.

Should be very easy to implement since the Code is open source :slight_smile:

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@JMagnat Re-installing SteamVR fixes this issue.

One noticeable change was on Pistolwhip. When the game boots up, I use to have culling issues on the far periphery, now, I do not


Hmm maybe that means it’s fixed in Skyrim as well.

What was the problem with Skyrim? I didnt suffer culling problems. Give it a shot

yes please I would like to know how skyrim is with the star vr one