New Smartphone-tethered Qualcomm Headset Has 2x the Pixels of Vive Pro

New Smartphone-tethered Qualcomm Headset Has 2x the Pixels of Vive Pro

Interesting panel specs and cpu power, except that it uses 5G for the wireless side, that is known to cause sickening effects and, as some medical researchers have hinted, even break DNA…a true health destroyer.

We have to be VERY careful about 5G adoption and inform as much as possible…

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Probably the HTC Cosmos will be like this, connected to the PC by Virtuallink and to a HTC 5G mobile.


Yeah, 2k x 2k, full RGB, at 90 hz per eye, that will be a VERY interesting HMD, will probably buy it.


Your like Ash Ketchem. Gotta have em all. :laughing:

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