NEW prototype will be demoed at VRS and NYVR events

Pimax has confirmed the new prototype will be at these two events VRS (Virtual Reality Strategy) and NYVR!

Any questions about the new prototype please list here for people attending

Questions for the old prototype have been answered multiple times already let’s focus improvements made to what were actually getting. Lenses . IPD…

are the lenses fixed without “distortions” and warping? i’m guessing the stretching is fixed fully.

Btw, does anyone know how pimax managed to fix the stretching…? did they fix cause valve added titled angled screens to open vr or something…? would be nice if pimax clarify on this

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Specifically about controlers. All reviews so far are not satisfactory to them. Improved?


The controllers shipped to us through the Kickstarter are the knuckle controllers that are still being developed.
They will not be the controllers we have seen in all of the demos.


-Black levels


I believe it all come to (topic - its explanation):

  • Perceive SDE (If you are able to perceive and distinguish the pixels and subpixel (RGB))
  • Image quality (Brightness, constrast and color reproduction)
  • Lens quality (Aberrations like chromatic, god rays, did it took some immersion ? Annoyed you ?)
  • Perceive FOV ( Comparison with Vive/Rift, Vertifcal fov, how much you have to move your eyes to perceive the black borders)
  • General confort of the HMD (Weight, comparison with Vive/Rift, stibility on the head, it if rocks while you turn your head, headband effective ? etc)
  • Size and “peskyness” of the HMD´s cable (how long is the cable ? How´s it´s girth ? Did it took some of your immersion ?)
  • General utilities (Power buttons, other buttons, did it had built in earphones, how was that quality ?)

Things to test:

  • To us monitor users - Use a program like Virtual Desktop and see the easiness to read windows text and icons. Could you swap your daily use monitor for it ? Could you use it for extended periods of time if needed ?
  • Elite Dangerous - Could you distingish far away stars and constructions ? Stations ? Other ships and its hull details ? How was the constrast and “blackness” of the space ? Did the ship´s menu was easily readable ? How was the immersion ?

I believe this will sate 99% of the questions.


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if the new prototype is ready, I think we want to see it :grin:

I’ll show you when I get a new prototype.

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In fact we didn’t do any stretching, and is the rendering effect in the FOV 200 degrees.


We’ll update the controller soon, which is really cool.


Where did they confirm this ?

When will the new prototype be ready ? @Matthew.Xu

20th-24th this month.


Some questions I need to confirm and I will reply you later.


I pledged on KS for the 8k headset only, how much would I have to add to get the 2 knuckles controllers? Will they be ready for shipping by january?

When will the new controller be available?

You can pledge another $200 to get 2*controller.
We are still confirming with the supplier about the delivery time of the module.

It may take some time to wait.

@Sjef right here

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As always, thank you for your hard work !

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