New Pimax PCVR headsets

Would be nice to recived some more infos directly from Pimax Rep.
And I hope that this not some kind of delayed april fools content :slight_smile:


I already started a thread on this.


Hmm, if the Crystal, now-become-a-series, has been given its own bespoke casing, rather than continuing to borrow the 12k’s unnecessarily-bulky-for-Crystal-contents one, that would certainly address one of its signature shortcomings.

It could be thought of as Pimax “taking Crystal more seriously”, and also make one wonder whether this is could be at the “expense” of the 12k, refocussing entirely, and maybe further de-prioritising the 12k, rather than more of Pimax’s usual diversifying-to-a-fault… (EDIT: Would be a crying shame to see affordable-ish wide FOV being sidelined altogether.)

One may also wonder just how heavy the cuts have been with the “Core”… So standalone capability sounds like it will be gone – what about eyetracking as standard, and wireless? -If eyetracking remains, and the processor is gone, I suppose that would mean iris video now going by USB to the host computer for processing, as opposed to being done directly on-device… (EDIT2: …and without complex onboard logic, a different room tracking solution would be needed, too…)


I am curious when this will be officially announced, as he claimed they wanted to launch the Core version in Q2 (then again, „launch“ in Pimax speak has proven to be something different to what one would expect).

But if it indeed is a merely stripped down version of the Crystal in the same form factor, the big question remains, who will want to put up with that in 2024. And it will be the same form factor because otherwise you are effectively redesigning larger parts of the headset, i.e. talking about a new series rather than a spin-off of the Crystal. The bulky size may prove unattractive to a significant part of their target audience, who will have to decide between the Core and the Beyond.

I am curious if they will stick to the form factor even with the MicroOLED displays for the Pro version, as that would ask for different lenses in any case, and it would end up in a grotesk mismatch between the operationally required components and the size of the headset which I assume was designed primarily with the 12K in mind, so probably already being oversized for the og Crystal.

So they‘ve got quite the conundrum on their desks to ponder on if the leak is true.


Removing the battery pack, battery cradle, etc. may worsen the front/rear balance as it was quite a lump of weight at the rear, providing a good counterbalance.

Of course inertia will be lower with overall reduction of mass, but comfort?


Redesign the headset bulkiness would help. There are so many unnecessary spaces in between components. They ought to shrink the headset to a much smaller form factor.


But that‘s exactly the issue - they want to create spin-offs which don‘t cause many R&D efforts: this necessitates to solely address those components which need to change for the desired downgrade/upgrade.

Just remember the Artisan, exactly the same script being applied with the Vision series. If the product is labelled as a Crystal Something, you‘ll get the same housing. Even if they would just call it a Reality series headset, you‘d likely get the same housing.

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Crystal Super Qled specs convinced me to make reservation. Resolution and FoV shoud be enough for my sims for next 5 years :slight_smile:


I will not reserve it but watch it closely. They made a couple of good decisions, dumping the stand-alone bit and increasing the resolution, and the FoV is now nearing what I consider the golden compromise of 130-150 degrees horizontally.

Now they need to execute on it. If they do it reasonably well, I could be tempted into buying it. Let‘s see.


Bits of the talking from yesterday make me wonder if they have perhaps dropped the optics from the old 12k concept renders, and are maybe currently working on fused conventional lenses for it, instead…

I am a bit confused about the matter of housings… On one hand, one would assume half the point of having the same for all different devices would be that they could then share one range of accessories, but at the same time there is talk of smaller ones, albeit with the same form factor… We’ll see, I suppose… :7


I reserved my reservation, should I cancel it? lol. I am in the same boat…i don’t know if the FOV is adequate. I don’t know if 12K required RTX 5090 to run or not. And oh by the way, can we trade in any Crystal for 12K? I have not heard anything.


I have reserved the Super now - it‘s just 1$, so I can live with giving Pimax a small tip.
I will not lose any sleep over the 12K. Who knows if it will ever materialize, I think it really was a couple of bridges too far, creating too many problems for benefits nobody needs in practice. 240 degrees of FoV? If I had a head of a horse, it might be worth it, but neither of my parents won the derby so I‘d check out at 190-210 anyhow and even that isn‘t too rewarding anymore. 150, the old value of the 8KX „normal“ setting, would be fine for the time being until we can have half-dome shaped displays to make us look like a fly…

What really get‘s me a bit excited here is that they mainly brought in the Crystal base, which they have 2 years of experiencing of tinkering with, and only are making modest changes to it (well, completely new displays and lenses are of course the heart & soul of any headset, but they can focus on this now w/o distractions from all other components). Ah, and then of course the new modular optics moduls. They could ruin the entire party. Let‘s see.

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Yes it will. Needs display port 2.1

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Pre ordering now is a waste of time. You can bet if Pimax have a 4k Micro OLED in the pipeline Big Screen will have the same for a BSB2 and probably cost half as much.

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Pre-ordeing was more of a gag - it‘s a one dollar tip I gave Pimax, no further effect.

Of course there is always something in the pipeline somewhere. And it might take years till they really get it to their customers, in which case it likely would be obsolete. But unlike the 12K, which really was trying to be everything everywhere all at once, I think the Super makes more sense conceptually, in terms of feasibility for a company like Pimax.

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Hehe I’m surprised you preordered @Axacuatl. Even if you decide that you want the headset at some point, by now you should know that pre-ordering Pimax stuff is for s*ckers only. NEVER EVER pre-order Pimax headsets. First owners always are guinea pigs at Pimax headquarters. If you’re interested, always wait till the first group of buyers have given their input, Pimax fixed the problems, released a new hardware revision and THEN step in.

Even though they name it ‘crystal’, they’re still pretty different beasts, both of the headsets. I would ALWAYS wait and only buy from Amazon anyway.


I believe I saw at one point. That the Crystal can be traded in but not the Light & Super Model. @PimaxQuorra can likely give us better clarification on this.

Maybe maybe not. Keep in mind these 4k micro Ikeda are still fairly new. To get an approximate cost per panel see your AVP Bom

On the face of it the Super seems like a good idea and if there was no other VR manufacturer producing headsets I’m sure I’d buy one. But I alway have this voice inside me saying there’s something big around the corner.

It’s shocking Pimax failed to mention or MRTV failed to ask in the Sweviver follow up video what exactly has happened to Wifi streaming?

At CES the Wigig60 module had a temporary battery but now Sweviver says the battery is not needed but recommended. So $299 is more line $399 excluding taxes. It’s adding a cost to a problem to solve a problem lol.

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The prices to pre order are quite reasonable being $30 US for the Light model which I don’t see having too much delay.

The Super is only a dollar or two and both refundable The Super obviously will take longer to iron out as it is far more complex.