New Pimax 8K Review Oct 9th

Another 8k review to jizz over

Seems positive. Recomending it over Vive for visual clarity


Im so glad.

Every positive review just make it harder to wait for December (although i believe i will only see my HMD in January in the early).

All that we need now its a more professional oriented review (executed by Doc OK for example) and a thru lens pics and video and all will be well.

Nice for sure. Thought they should have posted the rift/vive for resolution.

PiMax 5k (2 x 2560x1440)
PiMax 8K (2 x 3840x2160)
Rift\Vive. (2 x 1080x1200)

As this would make things easier for folks to see tge difference of resolution. Some who might not be familiar with Rift\Vive might assume that they have 2 x 2160x1200 displays. Though i am sure the majority will know.

Really? Vive has 2 x 1080x1200? That’s terrible.

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Yes. Thats why it looks like half the game is missing in those first gen headsets :slight_smile:

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Yep & playstation VR has 1 x 1920x1080 panel whixh translates to 960x1080 per eye. The sde how ever is not noticeable compared to rift/vive due to using RGB oled (3 sub pixels) opposed to Pentile oled (2 sub pixels)

So its a wonder why Samsung Oddessy is using Pentile oled. If mem serves 2 x 1600x1200.

Good impressions but this article claims the 8k requires 2 hdmi ports… And the article from gamespot claims it runs off two display ports -
I know it’s a small thing, but they should get these facts right. Especially saying it requires two hdmi ports… GPUs don’t typically support that…

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Indeed forgot that detail. Its another article saying the laptop has a 1080; when it was a 1070.

Pimax has been demoing both with 1080 and 1070. The demo in SF was with 1080.


Wow really? That’s pretty big considering the laptops versions are running slightly slower already. Still, I would hope that a laptop 1070 could run fruit ninja at 90 fps :confused:

Cool didn’t know that thanks!

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Keep in mind without knowing the model of laptop & specs. Its possible it might be one that funnels the nvidia gpu through an intel igpu of which would limit fps.

@deletedpimaxrep1 @bacon @PimaxVR

Can you share model & specs of the laptops your using to showcase the 5k\8k headsets?

Yea, hopefully. It seems to me the only real issues with the headset as it stands is the performance and some distortion around the edges. If these are fixed then we have a winner hands down.

There current Demo unit (8K) they have been showing around uses two HDMI ports. The Next Final unit (8K) before Kickstarter will have one display port (sometime in October). The 8K X (with native 4K support) next May will use two display ports. That’s my understanding I can see how other articles get them mixed up.


We use GTX1070 at GDC, here is the 1080 laptop we use for demo recently:


That’s an insanely good laptop, it makes me worried about why there was performance issues in a game like fruit ninja


I like the title of the article… Pimax should change their motto of “never be so clear” to the title of the article

“Virtual reality has never looked this good
Screen door, be gone!”

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Okay now if you look at the thunderbolt 3 it does say 4k@60hz output. This could be the factor limiting performance.

The laptop internal display can do a 120hz.

Article needs editing by the author Hugh Langley.

Pimax says it will offer native resolution support, but you’re going to need at least a GTX 1080 Ti

No mention that native 4K per eye feature is only on the 8K-X model, so readers will presume this is a feature of the 8K model out the box.

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Why are you posting it here instead of sending it to we can’t fix it.

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