New HP Headset. Is it Better than Odyssey+?

“Copper’s 2,160 × 2,160 (per eye) displays, which have more than twice the number of pixels as the Odyssey+, and more than three and a half times as many pixels as first-gen headsets like the Rift. Looking through Copper’s lenses, sharpness is a drastic step forward over Odyssey+. And while the Odyssey+ uses a diffuser on the screen (which sacrifices some sharpness in an effort to hide the screen door effect), Copper hardly has a need for a diffuser as the pixel dense RGB-stripe displays make the screen door effect vanishingly apparent.”


Wow, I missed this news, this is really exciting stuff!! 2kx2k per eye with full RGB, can’t wait to try this. Seems like this is going to be the norm for gen 2, since HTC cosmos supposedly is going to have these panels too.

This is also exciting:

“Copper hardly has a need for a diffuser as the pixel dense RGB-stripe displays make the screen door effect vanishingly apparent.”

Yeah that’s what I had imagined, great that Ben confirms this. The Samsung anti SDE trick probably was only needed this gen and isn’t needed next gen anymore since this resolution with full RGB is high enough to kill any SDE


The key here is both horizontal & vertical res being bigger.


Hopefully it comes to market and soon!