New 8K-X MAS Counter Weights Available Now

Awesome. Sent these yesterday. Let us know how you get on


I just got my 8KX today. It is very heavy on the bridge of my nose. So I have a feeling these counterweights may help. Also, I would prefer to loosen the knob as well, because the only way I can get the pressure off my nose is if tilt the headset a bit upwards and tighten the knob, which is not comfortable either.

I will experiment a bit more before I dive in, and I’m looking forward to what others have to say. Thank you for this, though! I’ll be following!


You could try by attaching something heavy to the back to see how it works, if it improves comfort I’d recommend these custom designed counterweights for the 8kx


An even simpler test would be to use one hand to push downward on the knob (while wearing the headset). I think you’ll find it makes a huge difference.

I ordered a pair of these counterweights (one set) which is supposed to arrive on Tuesday. I’ll be sure to let y’all know my thoughts, after I’ve had a chance to test them.


I tried the push down technique with one hand, and I could already feel the relief from the front of my face. So yeah, I’m very close to placing an order. I’ll wait for your impressions after you get them though =)


In the meantime, it sounds like you should try some sort of quick and dirty DIY counterweight. It was easier on my 8K with the cloth strap (because there was no knob): I taped 2 small steel wrenches together and used velcro to attach it to the back. It worked so well, I never replaced it, even after 1.5 years. Anything small and heavy should improve your situation.


Well, I just tried that (put my cell phone and a plastic adapter in a small pouch and hung it from the back) and yeah, you’re right, it definitely helps!

So I just placed an order… @Davobkk I think neal should get some commission or something. He totally convinced me! Lol

Thanks all. Now I’m gonna try improving the left/right part of the face foam since it is a bit loose when I move my head side to side. I will try the velcro strip method most likely!


Thanks for the thought, but I don’t need a commission. :slight_smile: I like to help others and I’m glad I could help solve your painful problem.

I previously bought a comfort strap from @Davobkk’s company and was pleased with the quality and service. Pimax could learn a lot from him! Anyway, I’m happy to help support his small business in these difficult times.


This will be sent tomorrow. You can remove the face gasket and trace the sides onto some soft packaging foam. I had to add about 5mm !


Davobkk, I have pinned your topic. I apologize as I meant to do this sooner to ensure visibility.

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Can’t wait to receive it!. And good tip about the 5mm, thanks!


Does the MAS foam connect to the headset with velcro and you are just addIng another layer of velcro sandwiched between them?

Yes, exactly. Thanks! I did the same thing for my 8K, but along the top instead of the sides. For that mod, I left gaps between the strips so that heat and moisture could escape. I angled the ends, so that it blocked the light better.


Mine arrived today. Great packaging and quality. I ordered it after my girlfriend complained of pressure on her face. I don’t need the counter weights for myself because of my facial structure, but she feels it definitely makes an improvement. :+1:t3:

Also, thank you for the chocolate!


Thanks for the feedback. Just watch you don’t get chocolate on that million dollar tablet :slight_smile:


Just ordered a kit :grinning:


I’ve experimented with some weights at the back of the SMAS, it does stop the 8kx sinking down in the front and all becomes blurry, and stops the constant need to re-adjust the 8kx without over tighten the SMAS. 150 grams is what does it for me.

And also without over tightening the SMAS there is no more need to re-tighten the 8kx every time it is taken on and off. Just needed to slip it on and off.

I’ve repurposed one of davebkk’s strap for the experiment, so I’m sure his new made for 8kx counterweight would help with 8kx comfort.


Check your pm Dave. :wink:

Just received and attached. I can’t try a proper session in VR until this evening, but I put it on for a few minutes and definitely feels more comfortable, not pressing on my cheeks.

I’m also repurposing the Odyssey top strap I bought from you way back when, also seems good. The splits in the side velcro works reasonably well around the SMAS speakers, which I only use occasionally for receiving voice comms.

Thanks again! :+1: :+1: :+1: