New 8K 180 FOV, Idealens M8K VR Montser

Sounds scary!!

Not much info on the website and not released yet, and they just released a 4K unit. No prices?? Hmmm not sure if I want to deal with another Chinese company, no offence Pimax.

Link below


Was this a new post on their site? I think they announced the concept a while back

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A while is relativ, it was March 2017


Yeah this is 2 year old I think


Must not have updated the website?? I found the website from a sept 2019 article on the standalone IDEALENS K4
4K unit


I think I have already seen this headset in a past announcement some time ago, it has never reached the retail market, but apparently they upped the previous specs to a new level.

BTW…looking at their site, viewed from the lens looks much like a Pimax/StarVR hybrid , somewhat cool :smile:


Translated the article for anyone who’s interested:

This is a standalone device similar to Quest, it might also have compatibility to stream PCVR games via wireless. It has these specs

Idealens K4

  • Snapdragon 835 processor
  • 64gb internal storage
  • space for a 256gb SD card for external storage
  • One 4K(3840x2160) rgb LCD single sceen over two eyes, so 1920x2160 per eye.
  • 75hz refresh rate
  • 4GB RAM
  • 110 fov (obviously diagonal, so we’ll assume a 95 horizontal fov, which would equal 20.24 horozontal ppd (Reverb has 27 horizontal ppd at 80 horizontal fov)
  • 295 grams
  • 4000mAh internal battery
  • 3DoF, but can use Nolo controllers for 6DoF
  • USB C, Wifi 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz bandwidths, Bluetooth 4.0.
  • Android 8.1 OS
  • Internal speakers, 3.5mm port for headphones (similar to quest style speakers but on sides of the HMD and not on the halo strap)
  • Vive cosmos inspired heat dispersion vents

Oculus Quest

  • Snapdragon 835 processor
  • 64gb/128gb internal storage
  • 1440 x 1600 per eye OLED
  • 72Hz refresh rate
  • 4GB RAM
  • 110 fov (likely diagonal fov, and depending how close to 60mm IPD you are), assuming 95 ideal horizontal fov this would be 16.84 horizontal ppd and around 11.22 horizontal ppd after taking into account pentile OLED screens. (Rift S has 13.47 horizontal ppd @ 1280 horizontal pixels/95 hfov and Vive Pro has 9.6 horizontal ppd @ 1440 horizontal pixels/ 100 hfov)
  • 3648 mAh internal battery.
  • 6 degrees of freedom head and hand tracking
  • Two touch controllers
  • Weight: 571g
  • 3.5 mm audio jack and internal speakers

Fov measurements: Optical Properties of Current VR HMDs |


The M8k definitely looks interesting and these guys have offices in a number of countries including US , India and Japan, and claim more than 200 engineers at their disposal in their team, looks no small company.

Definitely a company to keep an eye to in the coming months until they will eventually release this new headset.


Very interesting. I wonder if Acer is still planning to release the StarVR?


So, a couple of months, in Pimax speak, of course :slight_smile:

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No lighthouse tracking, no dice.

Any updates on this idealens HMD? When do you suppose it’s coming out? Before the Pimax 8K-X?