Sounds scary!!
Not much info on the website and not released yet, and they just released a 4K unit. No prices?? Hmmm not sure if I want to deal with another Chinese company, no offence Pimax.
Link below
Sounds scary!!
Not much info on the website and not released yet, and they just released a 4K unit. No prices?? Hmmm not sure if I want to deal with another Chinese company, no offence Pimax.
Link below
Was this a new post on their site? I think they announced the concept a while back
A while is relativ, it was March 2017
Yeah this is 2 year old I think
Must not have updated the website?? I found the website from a sept 2019 article on the standalone IDEALENS K4
4K unit
I think I have already seen this headset in a past announcement some time ago, it has never reached the retail market, but apparently they upped the previous specs to a new level.
BTW…looking at their site, viewed from the lens looks much like a Pimax/StarVR hybrid , somewhat cool
Translated the article for anyone who’s interested:
This is a standalone device similar to Quest, it might also have compatibility to stream PCVR games via wireless. It has these specs
Idealens K4
Oculus Quest
Fov measurements: Optical Properties of Current VR HMDs |
The M8k definitely looks interesting and these guys have offices in a number of countries including US , India and Japan, and claim more than 200 engineers at their disposal in their team, looks no small company.
Definitely a company to keep an eye to in the coming months until they will eventually release this new headset.
Very interesting. I wonder if Acer is still planning to release the StarVR?
So, a couple of months, in Pimax speak, of course
No lighthouse tracking, no dice.
Any updates on this idealens HMD? When do you suppose it’s coming out? Before the Pimax 8K-X?