Need valve knuckle for medical project

Hello everyone!
Guys, i am working on my own StartUp which is related to Medical project . I am contributing in IT Hub acceleration , and if i will win i will get a sponsorship for my project!
i planned everything and only suitable controllers was steam knuckle( 2.0) , which was gifted to me and was unfortunately stolen from my car …
All my hope is to buy a new one asap and present my project to investors , if not , then i will late for deadline time will lose the chance.
Dear community , please advice me! I live in kazakhstan and cant buy it straight from steam( it says restricted) . Maybe someone want to sell me his own device or can buy me a new one ( i will give money +extra money as a “thanks”).
I will never forget that help!
Also if you have Base station 2.0 , i will buy it too!

Hi sorry to hear. @Davobkk might know of a freight forwarder seller that might be able to help. Though atm Valve index orders from my understanding are backed ordered? Ebay might have some resellers that ship where you are.


You can also try


Hi Matros. Yes as @Heliosurge said if you want to buy from steam you need to use a VPN to change your steam account location to USA then use a freight forwarder address to place your order. It’s a little tricky


i had contacted them , they said that will be a 828 USD per 1 controler ,Lol.

Sounds good, but where i can find that forwarders :sweat_smile:

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Also, for base station - what is the major difference btw v1 and v2 ?

SteamVR 2.0 is an advanced player positioning device in space, designed to completely immerse yourself in the game. Controllers and a virtual reality helmet HTC VIVE Pro, connected to the station, in conjunction provide an accurate response to any movement of the player. Compared to SteamVR 1.0, in this version the area of ​​movement coverage has increased to 100 square meters. The wide borders of the playing field no longer hold on a small section of the room, and the user can enjoy the most active games. The ability to link multiple base stations using SteamVR Tracking 2.0 allows you to organize a multi-user playground attraction.

The smoothness of the gameplay in the virtual space is provided by the SteamVR Tracking sensor, the data of which is synchronized with the sensor readings on the controllers. A more powerful processor compared to the previous version of the station is able to process all readings in real time, so that the user does not notice false movements. For a long game, the base station for HTC VIVE Pro has a battery that lasts about 6 hours.

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