Need help with QA amid COVID-19 crisis

Hi everyone!

I work for a small video game studio, Dark Catt Studios (, out of Illinois. I am looking for QA testers for our upcoming virtual reality game, Djinni & Thaco: Trial by Spire, to check for bugs in the game and to give me feedback on your experience playing it!

Because of COVID-19 and its surrounding circumstances, my coworkers and I can’t do in-house testing at our office, nor can we afford to pay outside testers at this time. Illinois has issued a stay-at-home order, meaning that I, along with the rest of my team, have to work from home. While some of us are testing from our own homes to the extent that we can, we need more players and hardware to make sure we release the best game we can. That’s why I am looking for fellow VR enthusiasts to help with testing.

Djinni & Thaco: Trial by Spire ( is a first person virtual reality tower defense game that features a mystical world full of zany characters. You will play as the Djinni, a magical spirit, who has been summoned by Thaco, a wizard, to battle the armies of his vile foe, the tyrannical King Crambone! If you are interested, PM me. I look forward to hearing your feedback and thank you ahead of time for your help during this troubling time!


Welcome to the Open[color=orange]MR[/color]!

I have bumped your user level and moved your Topic to Game On! Category.


Try reaching out to the leaders of HelixxVR: Discord

They coordinate beta testers to get feedback for devs. Sounds right up your alley.


I would be down to do some testing and feedback for you. I also work with a small game studio so we’ll be in that same boat eventually. Anyways, Let me know what you need me to do to get started.


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