Neat computer Build


define neat :sweat_smile:

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Interesting design choice. Add a bit bigger circle and you could have a carrying handle.

Though as we can see doesn’t likely have furry pets. :laughing:

If you are strong enough, once it’s obsolete you could throw it like a frisbee.
At people you don’t like.

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I suppose if you’re a Hipster Doofus.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Less compact than it could have been, unprotected components, could probably have fitted a more expandable motherboard at that size, no watercooling of the GPU, heavy air-cooled GPU heatsink still attached, and indeed no carrying handle.

Also, the ‘foot’ seems unnecessarily complicated, and the pump could probably be more capable.

Nifty, but doesn’t seem very practical.

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Definitely like the wall cases just a glam case. Kind of like rgb lighting. :grin:

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At least a fancy case doesn’t foul up VR driver software the way RGB lighting software does.


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