My pimax's usb turns off and on all the time

hello i use google trad not speaking english

I have a problem with my pimax 5k + 144Hz that I received yesterday. my headphones only connect and disconnect from the usb which are called DFU in FS mode. I try all the ports on my pc it’s always the same. I also reload the software nothing to do. and the pimax LEDs flash blue green red without stopping. on the software I have the error code 10500.

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Can you post your system specs?

Go to the help tab and press diagnose this will check application integrity.

It might be an idea to install pitool 144 then upgrade. If you only just installed a newer version might be missing components. The above diagnose should tell us.

mon probleme est resolue le support pimax a pris le controle de mon pc est a resolue mon probleme. merci quand meme de votre reponse

Heureux d’entendre que le support pimax a résolu le problème.

Vous êtes le bienvenu. @Ludiks est une excellente ressource en tant que membre français.

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