My HP Reverb G2 has arrived. Stay tuned for a full review and comparison to the 8KX

My HP Reverb G2 has finally arrived and I’ll be reviewing the headset and comparing it to the 8KX. Heres some photos:

It is quite smaller than the 8KX

First impressions are that it feels very light and the controllers feel good in my hands, light, but not too light.

Subscribe to my channel, and stay tuned for a video soon!


Just the hero we needed :smiley:


Excellent. I can trust your appraisal! Unlike some of the soi disant experts on youtube. I’m happy with my 8kx, but if the G2 is good, that will get more people into VR, and spur development further. I’m dreaming of an 8KX super that can auto adjust to individual user’s eyes and more bandwidth for higher refresh rates.

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Can’t wait for your thoughts :+1::grinning:

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