My headset has Eye Strain on Left Eye

If its off by that much you probably read both numbers with the same eye, most of us have a dominant eye so close one eye at a time.
Look straight and locate 0 under the eye you hold the 0 on the ruler, then open the other eye, close the 0 eye and then read the measurement with your open eye.

Or just take extra care to focus with your non dominant eye for the measurement you need from it.

If you measure correctly you should easily be within 0.2 cm of your correct measurement and from there tweaking by feel shouldnt be an issue.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

What’s your ticket number? I will help you. Thank you.


16911, i can’t use this headset properly since i’ve got it mid-june 2019.
I’ve gone from 5 hours (yes, 5) in VR without problems with Oculus to 30min, if i stay 1 hour into pimax i just have to go sleep because eyes hurt too much. Motion sickness isn’t a problem, there’s just something wrong with hmd!


Contact Matthew and give him your ticket number. The customer service is terrible. Has to be your HMD

Sorry to hear your issues. My first 5K+ was off by 4 points in IPD and required much tweaking with the horizonal offset and some vertical to lock it in and that with having a DAS+Studioform strap+counterwight. I was able to do it though. IPD 66.7

My 2nd 5K+ was bang on my official IPD and once set was good to go. No offsets.

If your headset if off in calibration your chances of lining it up without a good DAS are lessened, I bet. Maybe not even achievable. Certainly will be hard to hold the position in the heat of battle.
This certainly suggests a variance in calibration is at play. I can see where if it is too far out lining it up could be problematic.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

We will follow up on the ticket asap, thank you.


They ignored me for months, now they told me that they will send a thicker mask foam to fix… but i’ve already did that? I put vive + pimax foam… right eye is just blurry

Just a thought, if you flip the headset upside down is it still blurry for the same lens (left eye now)?

Yes, but it’s more blurry in the upper part, i’ve noticed that it’s blurrier in the low part when wearing it correctly… like the lens is tilted somewhat

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1 week passed since my last request via e-mail and they’ve started again ignoring me. I regret every day of selling my oculus for an awesome but unable to use headset

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Even tried with contact lenses, to make sure its not my lenses… Also i’ve noticed that on the blurred lens, that everythin seems stretched horizontally, numbers like 8 in a car display make it very very obvious… i dont know what to do, pimax refuses to aknowledce this

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Have you checked your junk mail folder? For some reason, Pimax’s replies keep getting detected as spam on my system.


I just search for “pimax” on gmail. They didn’t. 1 week+ and again no answers. Seems like they don’t want to acknowledge i have a damn defective unit.

@Synoxia I have added your ticket to the “to be solved” list

Do you think that a a refund possible? I claimed this defect very soon on them, my refund warranty basically expired while waiting for them to answer me.
Waiting, and waiting.
This had been the whole pimax experience for me and i’d rather not have to deal again with such company, unless they surprise me and send me a perfectly working headset like amazon does but imho in reality it will just be waiting for them to answer, waiting for them to send rma label, send the headset, then wait again to have a fully working headset and in the meantime i BOUGHT as consumer, not kickstarter, a product that should have been delivered in june 2019 and instead i am here after half a year with a 1600 usd inusable pedal + wheel + VR platform because of Pimax.