Mtbs3d | Open Source SBS Software (Open Source - Free)

Anyone tried to run this one for PIMAX 4K SBS gaming?

@PIMAX-Support @deletedpimaxrep1 maybe you could implement this open source feature into the next piplay to allow SBS gaming on any PC game?



I use ReShade and ENB for a long time, I tried VIREIO, it simply did not work.
It seems some incompatibility with recent NVIDIA drivers or something like that.
If anyone has a good tutorial to make it work on the latest Forceware, I’d be very grateful.

Currently I’m using SuperDepth3D

It worked with almost all the games tested

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Thanks for your response,

Any solution to provide SBS without making two renderings? But render only one side to reduce GPU load?


No, unfortunately. It would be nice if Pimax devs would adopt something similar to VIREIO.

@PimaxSWD @PIMAX-Support @deletedpimaxrep1 pls see above. It would be great if you could do it. Thanks!

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Come on guys I think you are asking too much, SBS software leave it to companies like Tridef and VORPX or Reshade (community) . Every game has its own configuration to get it working right. First I do not think that Pimax is going to it for free and then comes a Hell of support when a game it’s not working right for every user. Then people has to be hired to test a lot of games (they need to buy) and the list goes on. I am not trying to be negative just honest.

NOTE: SBS 3D Geometry not Z-buffer (Flat objects).

Look what I found. I have not tested it yet.

“Every game has its own configuration to get it working right.”

I do not need anything preconfigured.
Pimax would only make the tool available, the players would fine-tune all games, just like SuperDepth3D, but with lower processing power.

I think it would be a great differential for Pimax.

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This is something in the wishlist.

Now with adding support for opensource 3d injector doesn’t mean they need to directly support getting programs to work.

With the link @mobile-technology posted that opensource project’s community would generally be the folks adding game support.

This why adding Plugin support is ideal. Then 3rd party can build add ons. From what @deletedpimaxrep1 has said if i understand correctly is part of the plan to expand tge pimax sdk


@Heliosurge Yes - Exactly!

OK agree, let’s ask full support for VORPX and Tridef. :grin::grin:

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"OK agree, let’s ask full support for VORPX and Tridef. :grin::grin:"

@deletedpimaxrep1 please highly consider this thread, since this is very important for gamers and will give PIAMX users much more room of utilization when it comes to SBS type gaming with PC games which wont have native SBS support.

@PimaxSWD @PimaxVR @MXZ
@deletedpimaxrep1 @PIMAX-Support

#Pimax4K #SBS

You do not have to be ironic. I honestly think it’s ridiculous to have to pay 40 bucks for something(vorp, an Injector) that should be standard on all HDMs.

It’s perfectly possible to get an open source code and work to create compatibility with Pimax.

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Do not get me wrong man, but the best injector is 3D Geometry mode, Z-buffer is good but you get flat objects.
Just curious, have you ever try VORPX 3D Geometry???