MRTV: Through The Lens Comparison Pimax 5K Plus vs. Pimax 8K - 2D Video - Color Comparison


this is a through the lens comparison of 4k 2D video playback in both the Pimax 5K Plus and the Pimax 8K. This video shall help viewers compare the colors and black levels of the two devices. It is not meant to compare sharpness, since it is very complicated to take sharp through the lens videos.

This video was shot at a time where the panels of the 5K Plus have not yet been color corrected by software. Once that happens, I am going to do another video comparison.

Flickering is due to the fps value of the recording device and is not visible with the naked eye.


Yes the colors and black levels looks better on 8k. I had already decided to go with 5kplus, damn you to hell, Sebastian! :japanese_ogre:
Edit. For the people who hurts their feelings easily: I was joking of course and not really wish to send anyone to hell. (almost anyone)

Oh, and thanks for the comparison video, lot of people have requested it :+1::+1::beer:


Nice. 8k so much better colours and clarity then 5k+ in motion from video. And blue-black 5k+… my eyes…(


Colors look better on 8K right now. Pimax founder told me though, that they have not yet applied any software color correction on the 5K Plus model. So once that is happening, I will do another comparison video.


Yeah thats the final decisive factor (for now)


We’ll wait it.) 20 char


A much bigger difference than I was expecting. I’d not be happy playing Elite with that constant blue background glow. Looked a bit like the backlighting on the 5K+ could do with turning down a bit (as well as the colour correction) - I hope this can be adjustable. :shamrock:


This make who want swap to 5k+ to be confused again, should this be fixed before next batch?


Seems more blue light in 5K+, will go for 8K at this moment…:slight_smile:


To be honest I don’t see a huge difference even when up next to each other.

Yes there is a difference but when I watched the 5K+ one first I thought to myself this is good enough for me even if 8K is better… And it wasnt much better.

I guess as everyone has been saying all along it depends what you’re into. If you’re a porn enthusiast or of you’re watching a lot of movies 8K is the option for you if they don’t manage to sort out blacks and colours in 5K+.

Very good work thank you Sebastian.


Thank you for this. We need more of these types of vids. Not zoomed images but for the most part, given the limitations of recording them, more of what we might see and the small difference between them that can be captured. Good stuff.


Oh, very impressive.
It’s a great video that makes it really easy to compare two headsets.


Yes, the colours are more bluish on the 5K+. Other than that I can`t see no big differences between both headsets. So, as long as I know, that the devs will adjust the colours of the 5K+, I´m still fine with my choice to switch to the 5K+.
Thanks for all your efforts, Seb!


Even if they fix the colour correction, the black levels and brightness are both better on the 8K, you can’t adjust the black levels on the 5K without dropping the brightness so either you are stuck with grey blacks or the 5K gets even less bright.


Great video.
Thank you Sebastian.

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Pimax answers on the blue of the 5k+:


Thanks for the video. Before you did the actual split screen cut portion of the video I really couldn’t tell much difference. It was only when they were side by side that I perceived it. When the split video section went away again, I still had a hard time perceiving much of the difference. My mind just normalizes whatever I happen to be seeing at the time.


Thanks for that video. Colours of the 8K are way better than with the 5K+.
Furthermore, I cannot distinguish any problems concerning FPS or sharpness on these videos…
Of course, they will and may be differences. But at least here in this Elite video, I would prefer the 8K for sure.
Last but not lease, this is only the trailer video… things might look different in-game.


Many thanks for your renewed commitment, Sebastian!

If the black doesn’t get better after the color profile update, I’ll stick with the 8k for good.


Actually this is a very astute point.

Yes the brain does actually normalise to different light levels and get used to things very quickly but when faced with both at the same time it can’t so you see the difference. Same if you’re doing quick A B testing.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that difference is noticeable when you’re using one for a more extended period. A good example is the Vive and Rift. The Vive is much brighter than the Rift when you do quick A B testing but for some reason when I play in either they honestly seem to have exactly the same brightness, contrast etc.

This is why blacks, colours etc don’t worry me much.

However things like SDE and picture sharpness etc you can actually notice. But even then the brain does also get used to these and you really have to be looking for them.

This is why for me it all comes down to performance in like for like picture quality for me and I suspect 5K+ will win this one even with 2080Ti. That’s one thing that is independent of the brain getting used to it. Faster framrates, nausea, better in game settings and the ability to read fine details in dials etc are things that are either there or they’re not. Eg no amount of neural normalisation processing will magically make me read blurry text to look clear in a cockpit dial, or make me not get nauseated when it’s skipping FPS, or generate better in game features (eg smoke, shadows, etc) because of performance differences.

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