MRTV Livestream Tonight! Pimax & StarVR One

Dear community,

I will go live in around 2 hours, at 11pm CEST, that is 2pm PT / 5pm PT. You will find the livestream here:

I will discuss my last few weeks with my community, the Berlin event, trying StarVR One, Pimax 8k M2 - 5k Plus, Magic Leap one.

What I am NOT going to do is to actually answer Pimax questions (what is better, 8k or 5k+? etc.), all of these questions, I will answer in my review.

Bye, Sebastian


Give a shout out to helen for me :slight_smile:


Who is Helen? I am wondering…

you are obligated to sensationally one up swevivers through the lens shots.

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Haha, nope. Nothing sensationalist gonna happen at all. Very low key.

Can’t wait!
20 didilidoo chars

pretty sure same thing was said the day franz ferdinand was assassinated, anything could happen on this livestream. you could even vow to mail your m2 to a viewer.

(if i generate the unreasonable hype you are immune to criticism.)

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Really interested to hear more about Star VR One. Coming up :wink:


Franz Ferdinand! :slight_smile: 20 chars for Franz!


Anybody care to provide a brief summary of anything relevant in the stream?

I am not built to follow that kind of stream for hours but I checked in for literally 3 minutes when Sebastian was talking about the StarVR being the best (soon) available VR headset, so much better than „others“ (then making a very obvious gesture saying as much as „you know which one I mean“).
I had noticed in Sebastian‘s interviews from the Berlin meeting that he responded more happy & eager when people mentioned flaws rather than were coming back positively, so imho we will see a largely negative review from him, though probably not completely damning.

I am okay with that, nothing wrong to point out what could be better.

However, in case these are not completely new, unknown issues but the stuff we already know about in broader terms, what’s the point of coming up with a rather negative review is if there is no headset on the market resolving the various relevant specs in a comparable way, if you look at the package, and therefore this product will give the average user, which today still is a gamer, a significantly better experience that anything else he can afford. Even if the StarVR may be so much better, what‘s the point if it comes in at 3,000$ ? That would be as helpful as telling us in a review of a Ford that the Porsche is oh so much better. Sure, we know that without even checking. But we will not spend the money on this Porsche, not least because there will be new cars around in 2 years which will possibly/likely outperform this year’s Porsche while costing only a fraction of its price.

So what does a review achieve if it were to concentrate on the comparison of what we would like to see in an ideal world rather than checking how it performs compared to the alternatives we really have ?

If Sebastian comes to the conclusion, that he likes the Vive Pro better, fine, that would make sense, because you can expect them to be at least roughly in the same race. It may still be the case that his issues don’t bother me the same way because he may have different standards or use cases.
But just measuring it with a lofty ideal and then telling us that it doesn‘t meet those ideals would be very confusing, if it nevertheless would still be a significant improvement over what we can get otherwise within the same rough price range.

Well, it will be an interesting couple of weeks ahead. For me the even more relevant information will be when regular users start to take their 8K‘s into service at home, and simply use it, without having their analytical error search mode switched on. Because if I applied that to my Rift or Vive, I probably would have stopped playing in VR a year ago out of frustration over the various shortcomings. And the 3rd generation VR headsets wouldn‘t be good enough either…


Well regarding Pimax he basically said he went to the backer meetup quite frustrated with their lack of communication however after meeting the CEO and crew he can now understand why they are like they are. There a small startup, Not very organised and that’s cool. It is what is. Didn’t hear him say anything bad about them exactly

Talking about Star VR he made clear it’s the best headset to date. It blew him away. Everything about it is awesome. The real deal. No direct comparisons to Pimax though



i’m laughing my ass off listening to this video.

pimax is even more charmingly seat of their pants than i imagined.

Except when you are talking about Star VR right. Just listening to you talk about your experience with them, it’s quite clear you had a VR boner for sure.

Oh you would have a VR Boner as well… :wink:

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Isn’t the low PPD an issue? Maybe it isn’t for you. Do play a lot of sims that force you to look far away, like racing or flight sims?

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define low ppd though.

I’m also thinking how StarVR One can be a high PPD with 2x 1464x1830 screens over 210 degrees (roughly 14 PPD if all screen areas are used). If you compare it to Vive Pro with 2 x 1440 x 1600 (26 PPD with the same assumptions) screens over 110 degrees or original Vive with 2 x 1080 x 1200 (19 PPD) screens over same 110 degrees - what kind of magic they are using so their headset is so much better? For comparison 5K+ PPD with the same assumptions is 30 (2 x2560 / 170). It’s generally less PPD than original Vive. And why Vive couldn’t use the same trick?

EDIT: I don’t know if that’s true but this M2 review saying that 5K+ / 8K is using full RGB subpixel matrix:

it’s an interesting reading, because of he is VR developer and he also had a chance to test XTAL.

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@mixedrealityTV I’ve come to appreciate your channel but man, you gotta understand not everyone wants to/can look 3 hours at a youtube video. Couldn’t you do some basic indexing maybe, that way people can skip easily to the parts that interests them?


These live shows are meant to connect with the community and spend some time with them. So they are not ideal to be watched later. There is some basic indexing in place beyond the video already. It is basic though. :wink:


Would it be OK then to ask you if you had a free StarVr One and a Pimax which one would you keep? :wink: :wink: :innocent::smiling_imp:)