MRTV Exclusive Unboxing Video of Pimax 5k plus/8k

Only because little destructo threatened them lol. @destraudo should shut up and let the big boys talk

Listen , i know that you are very attached to that group of forum users , but you had a chain of posts that were either a ā€™ breaking the ndaā€™ or b unintentionally spreading incorrect information about panel usage on the 8k through a miscommunication caused by language barriers. Neither forum users, not testers, nor pimax is served by that. And it sure as hell does not raise the chances of the spanish testers being issued an M2.

In the end the tester in question cleared up the fact that the information about the 50 percent panel usage was incorrect and more accurately reflected the sharp image area on the 8k/ 5k rather than panel usage itself .

If having that miscommunication cleared up offends you to the point you would post that, then i have to be ok with that.


We already commented that we would discuss the subject in due time.


I hope you do. I hope you are fully able to discuss it on the 16th. And if /when that time comes, it turns out that this was not a miscommunication, and that the 8k really is utilising only 50 percent of its panel, and in particular the implication for how much native res is used to form the final image.

1- i will be switching to 5k plus instantly, and i honestly think it would be literal insanity not to do so.

2- i will be glad that there is already a framework in place for the revelation of that in the thread to be viewed as an accident/ miscommunication.

I want to be clear here too. If there is some clusterfuck buried in the 8k. It is not worth being coy with the nda over like the other guy in that thread was. At the point in time, the worst that can happen is the 8k is not as good as it could be. You are not manning, it is not worth fucking up your life over at the hands of a team of corporate lawyers to reveal sub optimal panel usage on a vr headset at launch.

It is not worth it.

Do you really think Pimax would be in the position their in right now if certian people wernt pushing to refine the product? Constructive criticism has done wonders for this product and without itā€™s most likely you would be stuck with a half finished unit gathering dust right now. The presures been on for almost two years now and itā€™s paid off bigtime for Pimax especially with sweviver trying to prove himself at the Berlin event. Pimax never could have pulled that off alone


And i have said the exact same thing, many times over many months, i fully agree with your assessment of where the units would be without the testers.

But i have also warned testers when they have said or done things that could be interpreted as breaking nda or even coming within range of it. I commented to mrtv when his reactions to various things in a video indicated a clear displeasure at state of unit. i commented to sweviver when he started coyly posting about the fov not being 200 on his twitter. and i posted when one of the spanish testers posted in a way that may be interpreted as revealing info.

And if you look back at my post, you will see the literal first thing i said was, i believe this is as a result of language issues. I put that ā€˜way outā€™ at the very start, and it was not by accident. now the point at which the shit could have actually hit the fan was when someone came out and suggested they were right and they had a leaked image to prove it, which thank christ they had the sense to almost immediately walk back from, because that could have neatly placed a noose around the testers neck.


Nice job playing NDA police haha. You should just keep out of the conversation. Their simply discussing why thereā€™s no difference between the two models. Go play school girl somewhare else :slight_smile:

who do you think that is to protect.

edit to point out that the reason people resort to the language you edited in, is when they donā€™t have an argument. When you post like that, you only make your own position look weaker than it is. It costs me nothing.

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I think the NDA is there mainly to not talk about m1 today. And I fully accept and understand that. M1 is a product from the past and should not be associated with the m2 nor 5K+.

The m1 testing phase maybe didnt get the best start, but it did for sure turn into a great m2 product 3 months later and thats what counts. For me at least.

My reviews and all videos coming after will be covering m2 and 5K+. Theres no need to look for problems in the past.



This being said, if there is some issue with the M1 that was discussed on tester forum, that M1 testers may never be able to talk about, M2 testers surely will be able to look for that issue and report on it as part of their reviews on m2 if the m2 shares the same issue.

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Sure every poasible issue or flaw with m2 will be told upon lifted NDA. There is nothing to hide here, if you ask me.


nodnod. Iā€™m just saying, that if the others testers remain under m1 nda and donā€™t get m2, that their concerns should be given very careful consideration, when examining the m2.

Supremely careful consideration

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ā€¦And Palmer Luckey and Fixit will follow. Remember how nice was with Magic Leap.

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You should learn some manners :pensive:

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appreciate gesture but its cool. he is coming from a place of defending someone he likes. a disagreement i had with them has caused him to hate me. if i had taken more care in disagreeing with his friend it probably wouldnā€™t have planted that seed of hate there. it does bother me that those feelings will fester in them, but not much i can do about it now.

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I dont hate anyone :slight_smile: :candy: :sparkling_heart: :lollipop:

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