Move UI popup on left hand in Beta 0.30

Im sorry but I accidentally didn’t hide the Move UI popup in Beta 0.30 from the left hand, and currently its stuck to the hand without any use. This is just something Im still working on and it was not meant to be seen. The buttons are not attached to the script yet.

So please just ignore that popup and I will either remove it in next version, or hopefully have it working by the time for Beta 0.31 release.

A lot of the time while coding I simply use the right controller only for testing things, so I didn’t realise the left hand popup was active. I know it looks ugly, but it was just experimental to test a new script :wink:


Oh, okay, that’s what I mention in my First Impressions, got you. :grinning:


Beta 31 has UI movement added now, and that popup is removed :slight_smile:

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