More footage of the 8kx please? :0)

Hi Pimax team.
Could I request some more gameplay footage of the 100% finished 8KX please? Hopefully we will all have our 8KX really soon…especially Generic but in the meantime could we have some decent half life Alyx shots like the footage Sebastian took of the G2. What do you think? The G2 is stealing all the limelight and be advertised very well. The benefits of the fov and superior tracking plus controllers and hand/eye tracking also need to be shown more. Sweviver could do some fantastic promotional videos like the 5/8k days.


We don’t need more footage, we need it actually shipped and for @PimaxQuorra to find out what is going on with the shipping.

It’s like saying ‘We need more pictures our food’ in our restaurant instead of ‘Let’s deliver good food to our customers’.


We need both. Sweviver can still make videos while the rest of the team continues fullfilling orders.

I agree, more 8KX footage of the final unit will help build up interest like the G2.


I get that but every time I click on YouTube footage of the G2 pops up and to be fair looks fantastic. They are shipping and you’ll get your Hmd soon. I just feel pimax are missing out on promotion and sales.

The people that would buy an X is a very very small subset of the VR population just based on how it’s priced.


More 8KX videos are not just for marketing or getting new customers. It’s to re-assure existing customers that they made the right choice in pre-ordering and prevent order cancellations in favor of the G2.

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I can tell you, that already in the 8k + this glove looks almost like in the G2 video …xD


Totally agree 100% I can’t wait to get my 8KX but do stop and watch all G2 footage/info and it makes me want one even though I don’t. I’m only weeks away from an 8KX.

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The only thing that would reassure people is CUSTOMER REVIEWS.

People want to know that Pimax can finally

  1. Deliver Headsets.

  2. Have no Quality Control Issues.

  3. Have the Headset actually be good.

I can make a restaurant and get the Chef to make 100 reviews that he wrote by himself but that’s meaningless.


There has been exactly one preview of the G2 and look at all the hype it’s getting!! Most of the backer reviews will be read by a maximum of 50 people tops. Sweviver could do some cool videos and footage and reach soooo many more.



  1. Pimax has a way worse reputation than HP I know that’s hard to believe but Pimax managed to do it.

  2. The G2 is actually going to ship soon.

  3. The G2 is more affordable than the X.


These are also very important I totally agree.


I personally would like to see through the lens videos of the final 8KX unit. Sebastian said the G2 beats the pre-production model of the 8KX. What could be better marketing for Pimax than proving the final 8KX matches or exceeds the resolution of G2 but with a wider FOV and eye tracking?


Just what I was thinking and they have the perfect man for the job!!!

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Well, the important aspect is in what specs the G2 beats the 8kX. To focus only on sharpness is imho a little like comparing a Porsche to an Audi and looking only at the available space for storing.

I really do not get all the panic about the G2. the 8kX and the G2 are in two very different market slots. The difference in price alone should give a hint to that fact.

The 8kX has simply so much more to offer. And it will find its customers. Because of no real competition.


Agreed but in the thread on the G2 preview multiple people were debating cancelling the 8KX for a G2. This is based on one video and a comparison with an outdated 8KX. If even one person does that it’s a shame. Pimax USA stated the newer version is much improved.

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That’s what people should do. then the people who are really waiting for the X have it faster.

i want an x ​​for beatsaber.“ what a nonsense. :see_no_evil:


Unfortunately I don’t think it will matter if Sweviver does videos as far as building hype for the 8kx is concerned because people will just do the same thing they did before when he was making videos. They will just claim he is a Pimax shill and disregard the videos as being biased. I think his energy is rightly placed on making the Pimax Experience software right now.


He told you already that the upcoming update will reveal more information about the shipping and how it’s going.


Two or three people talking about doing so? That is of no concern at all. It shows that they are adults who reflect on their decisions. Probably they will be happier with a G2, who knows. But maybe they will wish to buy an 8kX v2 with hdmi1.2 or dp next gen with 120Hz full resolution later on. All fine. Nothing to worry about at all.

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