Monitor advice for best VR setup

Hi futurists… I’m looking to change my VR setup and would like to know if it’s better to run a lower res monitor in order to reduce GPU stress or does it not matter what resolutions running in the background while in VR? At the moment I have a Philips 4K 60Hz monitor running through display port which looks great but would happily drop it down to something 1080p if it would give me any VR performance bump. I understand it’s only running the desktop when the headset is on but surely that has some impact on FPS. Anyone know the facts on this? Cheers!

I do not think that it makes much difference, since the desktop uses very few GPU resources, generally not more than one percent, and you can always switch to a Full-HD or lower resolution on the desktop of your monitor before playing, or alternatively disable the Windows Aero desktop.


Yeah I would imagine the same as desktop mirror doesn’t seem to require more resources (or minimal) since its only a mirrored/cloned output.

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