Megane X Super Light

Panasonic just announced the Megan X Super Light.

A 2560x2560 1.3 inch OLED with LH tracking.


Looks like a direct competitor to BSB.

I wonder if this HMD has adjustable IPD or face gasket?

No mention of FOV or price but I reckon it will be around 1.3k

if its got a bigger sweetspot then the bigscreen beyond,its maybe a must have

another “Unobtainium” :laughing:

I don’t think it’s much different to BSB.

Okay it got me intrested !

MEGANEX SUPERLIGHT - The MicroOLED Headset We Have Been Waiting For? (


Does sound better than the BSB. But the price. Ouch.

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Marco: “…I can’t see any bad thing about the panel, to be honest.”
Sebastian: “giggle What’s going on, Marco?”

I think I prefer the CES look than the one in the rendered image.

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Sounds very interesting. But if they don’t have any plans to release this outside of Japan at this moment, I doubt that will happen this year. If at all.


Shiftall = If at all


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