M1 Leap Motion Hands Module - any news and updates?

Since it looks like all the M1 units have the hand motion module installed i really wonder what is the current state of affairs.

there was a short discussion back in April here where @deletedpimaxrep1 said it should be ready in Q4.

Now all the M1 test units seem to have the hand motion tracking attached.

Is that PimaxVRs own gear under license of Leap Motion or is it Leap Motions very own product just shipping alongside?
Is the Hand Motion Tracking Module covered under the NDA or can beta testers at least shed some light there?
Is the weight really adding to the headset and downgrading wearing comfort?
What about Leap Motion software updates? Any specific one for this new module?
Any software title beyond demos where this comes in :wave: handy?

(at least i found a comment here SweViver twittering)

SweViver‏ @SweViver
Every time I try Leap Motion the more I realize the huge potential of hand & finger tracking! @LeapMotion together with high resolution and wide field of view #VR headsets and #AR glasses is definitely a part of the future. What a time to be alive[/quote]


Very interested to hear something about this too. What little we have seen of this new leap motion version looks very impressive, i paid the extra for it, hoping that the more people get it the more it will be incorporated into things. This plus eye tracking, plus wireless is going to make VR truly amazing (well it already is, but even more amazing-er :stuck_out_tongue:)

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What software/games we can play with Pimax 8K and leap Motion ?

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WSS VR (google it) :stuck_out_tongue:

After using the Hololens, it’s clear how intuitive hand tracking can be. It very quickly becomes natural. When I saw it was going to be offered with 8k, didn’t hesitate. Really looking forward to it!

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The only reason I didn’t order it was the lack of applications supporting it. There are demo’s and they’re super cool. But no games integrating it, yet. When the Knuckels come out and do a bit of finger tracking then the leap motion will get its turn to shine I think. And will buy one then.
I already have the first Leap Motion by the way, I’m very impressed by it but it eats some valuable CPU power too to run it. I have a Pimax 4K so I use it as a vive wand emulator.

All available, I guess :slight_smile:

Edit: The ones who support Leap Motion of course…

I was curious about that (the cpu usage) interesting…

Ooh, hololens, keen for that tech to become more available/affordable.
Good to see someone who has used it and got them excited for the tech

I bought it to try it, then threw it back on ebay. I had to try it out of pure curiosity. It really is an amazing device. Played the mystery game it had installed (can’t remember the name) I had people sitting on my furniture, and it changed my kitchen into a whole other environment - so cool. Picking up clues with my hands an what not. I remember playing it, walking around my kitchen at 12:30 am with a couple glasses of wine in me, felt like I was in another world - even with the small field of view, I was lost in another place. Perhaps 8k should come with a nice louis jadot pouilly fuisse, to supplement 170 degree :wink:

  • Just looked it up, game was called Fragments

Elite Dangerous ?
Are playable with Leap Motion instead of controllers ?

PS But you could make the names of few games without breaking NDA because you are not saying you have played them with Pimax 8K. Exceptionally we’ll not believe you :slight_smile:

So looks like nothing really to write home about.
It fits that Leap Motion has nothing really to announce too.
With all their new AR goggles they seam to be more the geek company instead of making business pushing commercial use cases…

Thing is, no matter how good the hand tracking is, there still need to be games actually designed to make use of them. That, I feel, is what is missing most, atm.

No, not at all.
In most sims there are already 3D modeled arms and hands. It would add a lot to the immersion if those movements would be captured for steering wheels or flight sticks. a virtual overlay for a keyboard we could apply to the real one is also doable while ignoring the hand motion as an input device. The visual feedback alone can make a big difference and tiny input enhancements could start as hacks from there.

There is no need to redesign from ground up for many cockpit titles…

Using hand motion for a steering wheel or flight stick is absolutely the worst thing you could ever do in a sim. Talk about immersion killer, loss of accuracy, not to mention loss of feedback!
Hand tracking in sims is for operating cockpit switches and dials. It will be great for this. It’s definitely not a good idea to use it instead of a steering wheel or flight stick.

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It really doesn’t read that way.
“if those movements were captured for steering wheel or flight sticks.”

Reading comprehension problems?

It was clearly stated not as input. and then what do you know about latest Omega SDK? Accuracy as precise as fingers movement.

Get your facts b4 you rant :poop:


I deleted some line feeds so ppl don’t start to rant before reading the whole post…

Absolutely right on this, no need to delete

I wanted to edit it, but on my phone this site was being a pain, so I just deleted everything since I figured you’d reply too.

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Misunderstandings are both a comprehension and a communication issue in most cases. It certainly was a comprehension issue involved on my side, however does your wording definitively allow only one interpretation?

I know nothing about the latest Omega SDK.

Not holding the flight stick will always be worse for me. Not holding the steering wheel and dancing with the forces of the wheel will always be worse for me. They’re the only facts I relied upon.

If you didn’t mean hand motion as input then how is the latest SDK and accuracy relevant here?