Light Houses - question still not answered

Questions have been asked here in the forum, I have checked with two of the testers. Sadly even though MRTV interviewed Robin this question was not asked. Right now I have only read that they might be produced along with the controllers for delivery middle of 2019.

Some of us are new to VR, we don’t have an existing light house and if you are into flight sims they are vital, I went for the whole package delivered in one. But now it seems I will potentially have the headset by Xmas but wait another six months for the lighthouses .

So @deletedpimaxrep1 can you please find out where we are with this ?

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If you asked to have everything delivered at the same time, you will not receive the headset earlier than the whole package. they did a survey soon after the kickstarter ended asking which you prefer. I chose to receive the headset early because I already have a vive.


At that time though the planning was a bit different, either headset alone in February/March, or everything in April. I hope they will redo the survey again.


The headset has gyroscopes so flight sims are still possible, you just can’t lean forward but you can look around you and there is neck pivot logic in most VR applications too so it does feel like it should most of the time.
I say this because I have the Pimax 4K with only gyroscopes and the 8K has the same gyroscopes on board

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You can by Nolo VR in the meantime (200$) its not the real deal but at least something and compared to a used vive with lighthouse/controllers its cheap.

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I asked the same thing and did not get an answer. I don’t have an old HTC Vive kit with base stations and controllers. Will any of those be coming with the HMD when it is shipped in September or i will have to wait until summer 2019 to get my whole kit? I did not expect to have to wait that long when i answered the survey.

Is there any third-party controllers and base stations on the market?

Or buy one base station and hope to resell it later to someone who broke their own maybe?

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$57 USD

Get em while they are hot


Flight sims base stations are not vital. Many of us 4k users have used sims without positional tracking.


You need two base stations, one isn’t enough. Pimax experimented with just one once, and got it kinda working, but they made it clear that was a single experiment.

It is for flight sims

No, SteamVR will not allow you to do its setup with only one lighthouse. It requires two of them, one isn’t enough.

Well, have any of you guys seen the FAQ?

In it, Xunshu says that the first shipping of the basestations should be in October… :slight_smile:

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You left off the word “Estimated”…

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Thanks for finding that lets hope that is still the case.

Will have to wait & see if pimax has a workaround. But yes in steam atm need 2. After 1 okay

if you play DCS and want to read certain instrument clusters on certain aircraft (we don’t know how good that will be in the Pimaxs yet though) you may have to lean forward to see them. We always have zoom. Although that will break the immersion somewhat.
In sim racers I lean all over in the car and a base station would be much preferred. but I am so far down the list Valve knuckles will probably be here. The Vive Pro already has the stations so they can’t be too far off.


Right with you.
When you have used 6 DoF like you and I have for many years you want to keep it as fluid as you can.

As pilot I want to practice approaches as I can in real life.

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Well then the dilema biy v1 basestations til pimax is ready. Or live with a minor inconvenience.

I never said it was a dilemma. I was only pointing out there is a use in sims for leaning in and in DCS (and other sims) a workaround.
Live with it is all one can do unless they like to burn money.
ATM buying what would be for a Rift owner 2 v1base stations just to set up in Steam would be around $600 Canadian. Also most Rift owners would have ordered at least 1 v2 base given the KS said 1 for 360 tracking which also would not be compatible with v2 so even greater waste of money.
So there is no “or”.