Just wondering what the benefits or draw backs are with Hand Controllers compared to Hand Motion Control as given by LeapFrog Motion Control?
Wondering as I am thinking most of my use will be either Driving Sims or Flying Sims and Hand Motion with VR cockpits would be great but maybe First Person Shooters might be worthwhile down the track and if Hand Controllers would be more useful than Hand Motion Control. I think the latter would give better simulation but minus the mini joystick of the Hand Controllers. Not sure how forward movement in FPS would be done.
Hard to say there are a few here with v1.0 leap. I beleive PiMax module is v2.0. I know greg from drvr4vr was/is working on using leap 4 some kind of roomscale?
I am not sure I really get the question. I guess it is about the future of Leap, but I can only talk about what there is right now.
Right now, you can use leap for hand control, as in movement of hand and fingers for a limited number of things like Fly Inside. It is very cool but hasn’t been picked up by many developers. Or using driver4vr you can make the leap track your hands, and use bluetooth controllers for any vive games (with no finger tracking). Basically giving you most of what you need for room scale.
You can’t do both at the same time.
As I mentioned, the first is great but limited, and Leap 1.0 has a limited tracking range.
With the second, it is great that you have 360 tracking on any vive game, and full controls with the bluetooth controller. It possibly isn’t quite as accurate as other solutions, it jumps around sometimes, but is so easy to set up that I don’t bother with the old psmove controllers any more. A full solution like nolo (if it worked) would be better, no doubt, but leap is cool. Basically yeah you either have hand/finger tracking, or controllers, not both. So far. Maybe when the vive knuckles come out, things will change.
I’ve heard rumors that it is actually the v3 hardware. I can understand why they are so hush hush about the module if it actually is. Contractual agreements would probably prevent them from talking about the exact hardware specs on it.
It’s not the Dragonfly sensor (which was a kind of developmental milestone because we wanted to explore the viability of Leap Motion + AR at the time, but was never really intended to be a polished or consumer-ready product). It’s one of the newer 180-degree sensors.
They don’t actually specify the exact hardware that they are using other than to say it isn’t the Dragonfly sensor and that it is a newer 180 degree sensor…
If you guys don’t mind bringing me up to speed: is the hand control sensor an add-on module or has it been integrated into the headset? The kickstarter roadmap mentions “integrated hand motion module” as of April 2017. Thanks