KODI Instructions

1. Open KODI and then there will be the following interface

Maybe you find it is the Chinese interface, can be changed into English.

First point Setting

Choose Regional——Language

Switch to English

2. KODI is a player, the basic is to watch videos and movies
The following I briefly introduced how to use.

Click on Videos the interface

Open Files

Add videos

Browse videos or movies list, then click OK to add complete.

Now just open your video and enjoy it.

3. Enter video interface
First introduce the five icons under the player interface.

The following first VR is switched to the headset to watch the video.

The following second is the media information.

The following third is possible to create bookmarks.

The following fourth is subtitles.

The following fifth is setting.

4. Shortcut key description
Right: to return to the upper layer of the interface.
Mouse wheel: play interface zoom movie screen
F1: screen to switch between small and desktop
F2: switch 3D format (left / right / up / down / automatic)
F3: movie screen zoom
F4: movie screen down
F5: movie screen up
Ctrl+ t: film subtitles position switch (switch to “fixed” state, can be manually up and down on the subtitles)
Ctrl+ up: film subtitles on the move (subtitles in a “fixed” state of the state)
Ctrl+ down: film subtitles down (subtitles in a “fixed” state of the state)

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Thanks. Which version of Kodi has the VR headset support? Will it run in PIMAX mode?

Just Extend Mode, bro

Which version of Kodi has the VR video interface option?

Customised version of KODI by Pimax.

Where can it be downloaded?

Hi! Please try to search it on google, you can download it for free. And it is working in Extend mode.

Sylar, I can’t seem to find it with Google search. Could you please provide the download location? Thank you!




My fault, i have an issue with the extended mode.

Oh no.
I’ve been away from home the last two days… I will try a setup tonight to see if i see the same things.

I guess it’s special kodi for Pimax… I wonder if (when it works) it also has built in head-tracking.

Personally liveriftview is great and the main video app I use.

Is Pimax has a complete guide intended to help better understand Kodi on pimax to access?